How too much sugar and saturated fat could be harming your brain

Can eating too much fat and sugar - or just eating too much - affect our memory?

Blonde woman

Research is finding out what too much sugar - and too many calories - might be doing to our memory. Source: Pexels

A lot of research has been conducted to establish the risks that a high energy diet – high in saturated fat and sugar – poses to our health. The most common known results of such diets include obesity, heart disease and diabetes, but research suggests that a diet high in fat and sugar can also have a significant impact on our cognition – the way we learn, remember, and think.
Back in 2010, Scott Kanoski, assistant professor of biological sciences at Perdue University in the US, showed that as little as three days of a diet that is high in and sugar was .

During the research, rats were fed either a high energy diet or one that was nutritionally balanced, and had to learn where to find the food while inside a maze. After only three days, the rats on the high energy diet than those that had been given the nutrient-balanced diet. They didn’t gain any weight, which suggests the damaging effects of a high energy diet are more than the production of excess body fat – it also affected their brains.

Further research by Kanoski indicated that the , the area of the brain that is important for learning and memory, is . The fact that this brain region appears to be affected earlier than others is worrying, as it proves that the earliest detrimental effects of a high energy diet are on cognition.

This effect on memory could be explained by which happens on an energy rich diet. Insulin is used as a signalling chemical that tells the body to remove glucose from the blood to use as energy. So, when the body becomes insulin resistant, it can’t do this as effectively, which leads to high blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance has been mostly associated with obesity, as these people typically have had high energy diets over a long time period, and can sometimes progress into .

In fact, researchers at the University of Mexico found that rats showed evidence of on a high energy diet. In this case the hippocampus’ response to insulin changed and it appeared to alter the structure of nerve cells in that region. It meant that the nerve cells were less able make new connections with other nerve cells, which is required to make new memories, and suggests that a high energy diet can impact the way we learn through this developed insulin resistance.

Cognitive decline has also been previously linked to . One study, in 2011, showed that such as focusing their attention and such diets have also been linked to the . However, further research into the very short-term effects of high energy diet in humans is currently lacking.

A vicious circle?

Terry Davidson, professor of psychology at Perdue University, suggested that changes of this kind to the hippocampus . The hippocampus is responsible for learning and perhaps also for us associating the feeling of hunger with pleasure when we eat. But, when there is damage to the hippocampus, this could be disrupted and it might cause you to eat even when you don’t feel hungry. And if you turn to food which is high in fat and sugar in this instance, it could create a of further hippocampus damage – and more overeating.

Although our knowledge regarding the short-term effects of a high energy diet on our brains is limited, we should still be encouraged to make when it comes to food and it’s especially important when the food we eat could impact our minds as well as our bodies. It’s unfortunate that a bad diet can affect the way we think and learn – and long before most of us would be concerned about having a few too many treats.

, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience, This article was originally published on . Read the .

Find out what can happen - and the different effects on men and women - when people go on a high-fat diet  in the latest series of Dr Michael Mosley’s Trust Me I’m A Doctor (Monday 7.30pm on SBS, then on ).

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5 min read
Published 13 March 2017 12:05pm
Updated 15 November 2017 9:52am
By Katie Boyd
Source: The Conversation

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