Online gambling addiction among young people is increasing, women are getting involved too

Online gambling

Gambling chips on computer keyboard Source: Digital Vision

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Addiction in gambling is a major social problem in Australia. As internet evolves, online gambling is increasing day by day. While there is a billion dollar trade behind it, gambling addiction is considered a major public health risk. Dr Rukhsana Tajin, senior research officer of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, is working at the Australian Gambling Research Center on gambling addiction and its social consequences. She speaks to SBS Bangla about her research.

Bangladeshi migrant
অস্ট্রেলিয়ান ইনস্টিটিউট অফ ফ্যামিলি স্টাডিজের সিনিয়র রিসার্চ অফিসার ডঃ রুখসানা তাজিন Source: Supplied

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