

Emma McKeon poses after winning the gold medal in the women's 50m freestyle final at the 2020 Olympics, Sunday, Aug. 1, 2021

Emma McKeon poses after winning the gold medal in the women's 50m freestyle final at the 2020 Olympics Source: AP

周日是东京奥运会游泳项目的最后一个比赛日。艾玛·麦基翁(Emma McKeon)在夺下女子50米自由泳冠军、刷新奥运会纪录之后,又跳回泳池和队友们在女子4×100米混合泳接力中为澳大利亚队再添一金。同时这也是她个人在本届奥运会上得到的第四枚金牌。


Swimmer Emma McKeon has won gold in the 50-metres freestyle at the Tokyo Games to break Australia's record for most Olympic career medals. Source: PA Wire
Swimmer Emma McKeon has won gold in the 50-metres freestyle at the Tokyo Games to break Australia's record for most Olympic career medals.PA Wire Source: PA Wire
周日的帆船男子激光级奖牌轮的争夺中,澳大利亚选手马特·维恩(Matt Wearn)因为在预赛中领先较多,轻松夺冠。
Matt Wearn in the mens Laser on Sunday
Matt Wearn in the mens Laser on Sunday Source: AP
洛根·马丁(Logan Martin)赢得了全新奥运项目自由式小轮车的首枚男子金牌。这也是目前为止澳大利亚代表团在本届奥运会上夺得的第一枚非水上项目金牌。
Tokyo 2020 Olympics: Cycling BMX Freestyle
Australia's Logan Martin competes to win gold in the mens Freestyle BMX Park final at Ariake Sports Park during the 2020 Summer Olympic Games. Source: Getty Images

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Published 2 August 2021 10:17am

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