Jessica Whelan因反穆斯林言论退出!盘点选举前离开的候选人名单

塔州自由党候选人Jessica Whelan在反穆斯林帖而退出Lyons选区的竞争,距5月18日选举日仅剩两周,近日有数名候选人因争议言论而陆续被迫或主动离开。

Liberal Candidate for Lyons Jessica Whelan at the Agfest agricultural show, 25 km south west of Launceston, Tasmania, Thursday, May 2, 2019. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

Jessica Whelan. Source: AAP

塔州自由党在周五(5月3日)的一份声明中宣布,自由党候选人Jessica Whelan已退出Lyons选区的竞争。

声明中说,“Jessica Whelan坚持认为她并未像昨日媒体上所报道的那样发表过粗俗帖”,“不过,她承认她有发表过一些有问题的帖子”,“很显然,那样的帖子是不恰当的,自由党此前并不知情”。
Jessica Whelan has rejected responsibility for the remarks on genital mutilation.
Jessica Whelan has rejected responsibility for the remarks on genital mutilation. Source: Facebook
《水星报》(The Mercury)此前曝光了两个带有这位候选人姓名和头像的帖子,其中之一是呼吁全国投票禁止穆斯林移民,另一个帖子则认为塔州不应接受叙利亚和伊拉克的难民。


自由党候选人Jeremy Hearn

Liberal candidate Jeremy Hearn has apologised for an anti-Muslim rant on social media.
Liberal candidate Jeremy Hearn has apologised for an anti-Muslim rant on social media. Source: Supplied

自由党候选人Peter Killin

这位维州Wills的候选人因对自由党议员Tim Wilson的同性恋言论而退出。
Liberal candidate for the Victorian seat of Wills, Peter Killin, made a submission to the Ruddock review into religious freedom.
Liberal candidate for the Victorian seat of Wills, Peter Killin, made a submission to the Ruddock review into religious freedom. Source: Supplied

一国党候选人Steve Dickson

周一晚电视节目A Current Affair播放了这位一国党候选人在脱衣舞俱乐部的一番表现后,他在周二一早辞职。
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson speaks with the media, following the earlier scandal involving Steve Dickson.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson speaks with the media, following the earlier scandal involving Steve Dickson. Source: AAP

工党候选人Wayne Kurnoth


工党领袖肖顿曾表示从未见过Wayne Kurnoth,但后来网上流传出两人合照。
A photo of a disendorsed Labor Senate candidate with Labor Leader Bill Shorten.
A photo of a disendorsed Labor Senate candidate with Labor Leader Bill Shorten. Source: Facebook

自由党候选人Kate Oski


自由党候选人Helen Jackson


自由党候选人Murray Angus


Published 3 May 2019 10:27am
Updated 3 May 2019 4:33pm

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