

A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smuggling operation sparked by a public tip-off to Border Watch.

A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smu Source: ABF


A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smuggling operation sparked by a public tip-off to Border Watch.
A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smu Source: ABF
A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smuggling operation sparked by a public tip-off to Border Watch.
A 28 year old Taiwanese national has been charged by Australian Border Force (ABF) officers in Perth as part of an investigation into a nationwide cigarette smu Source: ABF
根据澳大利亚《1901年海关法》第233款(SECT 233BABAD)(2B)规定,该男子运输或持有烟草制品逃避税收而被指控。

该男子于7月23日在珀斯治安法院(Perth Magistrates Court)出庭。对这一罪行的最高处罚是五年监禁或不超过28950澳元的罚款,或两者并罚。


边防局在西澳负责调查行动的警司Clint Sims表示,该男子涉嫌从其他州的供应商处购买走私来的进口卷烟,并在西澳黑市上出售。

Clint Sims说,“边防局的目标是各种烟草走私,无论是有组织犯罪团伙、本地奸商或是囤积了自用的个人。”



Published 24 July 2019 10:41am
Updated 24 July 2019 10:46am

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