

13-y.o Zaid Mustafa attends Friday prayers at Hagley Park

Source: ABC News/ Brendan Esposito

在新西兰基督城,家属以及社区人士在今日(3 月 22 日)星期五祈祷日,首次返回发生恐怖枪击案的两座清真寺。

其中遇袭的艾努尔(Al Noor)清真寺,修复工作完成;警方将会继续派人驻守。两座清真寺今日首次重开,并会为死难者举行追思会。

新西兰总理阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)早前宣布,将星期五定为全国祈祷日,悼念恐袭中的 50 名遇害者。
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
Source: AAP
阿德恩出席在艾努尔清真寺对开公园 Hagley Park 举行的祈祷仪式,有成千上万名民众参与;全国450 万人亦在同一时间默哀悼念,奥克兰、威灵顿及其他城市均有举行集会。



"New Zealand mourns with you. We are one."
一名戴上白色无边帽的宣礼员于当地时间下午一时半(澳洲东岸时间11 时半)宣布星期五祈祷日仪式开始,颂唱《真主至大》(Allahu Akhbar)。

Gamal Fouda, the imam of Al Noor mosque, delivering his sermon.
Gamal Fouda, the imam of Al Noor mosque, delivering his sermon. Source: SBS
艾努尔清真寺伊玛目(imam ;即「领袖」)在发言时谴责仇恨行为,同时又赞扬新西兰人民在事件上团结一致。


"This terrorist sought to tear our nation apart with an evil ideology that has torn the world apart. But, instead, we have shown that New Zealand is unbreakable."

"We are brokenhearted, but we are not broken."
Mourners gather for two minutes silence to remember those who died.
Mourners gather for two minutes silence to remember those who died. Source: SBS
Mourners lay flowers near the Linwood mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Mourners lay flowers near the Linwood mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Source: AAP


Published 22 March 2019 4:39pm
Updated 22 March 2019 5:13pm
By Winmas Yu
Source: AFP, SBS

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