

Floral tributes have been left at the scene of a fatal car fire in Brisbane yesterday morning.

Floral tributes have been left at the scene of a fatal car fire in Brisbane yesterday morning. Source: AAP

昆州警方證實,布里斯本市郊 Camp Hill 於星期三(2 月 19 日)發生的一宗火燒汽車事件,一名 31 歲母親同日晚上傷重不治。

該名年輕母親 Hannah Baxter 星期三晚上於皇家布里斯本及婦女醫院證實身亡。
星期四(20 日),全國不少網民在社交媒體推特發文,並配以 #HannahBaxter 標籤,哀悼這名年輕母親。

事發在星期三早上,該條位於布里斯本東部的一個郊區街道上,一輛汽車起火焚燒,Hannah 的離異丈夫巴斯特(Rowan Baxter)與其三名兒女 Laianah、Aaliyah 及 Trey 當場證實不治。
警方暫將案件列為可疑,但強調暫時未能確定事件是否自殺式謀殺案件抑或純屬意外。但有目擊者向新聞集團表示,31 歲女死者在事發期間曾跑出汽車車廂並大叫:「他向我潑上汽油。」

事發在星期三約上午八時半於布里斯本郊區 Camp Hill 的 Raven Street。有鄰居表示,汽車起火猛烈焚燒前聽見多次爆炸聲響。
Father Rowan Baxter had posted several pictures of his family on social media.
Father Rowan Baxter had posted several pictures of his family on social media. Source: Facebook

遇害夫妻二人經營一間健身中心,但據報兩人在 2019 年末分居。

Federal member for Griffith Terri Butler and Labor's candidate for Brisbane City council Matt Campbell place flowers near the scene of the fatal car fire.
تیری بتلر، نماینده حوزه گریفیت در مجلس نمایندگان و مت کمپ‌بیل، نامزد حزب کارگر برای شورای شهر بریزبین در حال بازدید از محل حادثه. Source: AAP

男死者巴斯特於 2000 年年代中期為一名欖球聯盟球員。他的社交媒體 Facebook 帳戶上,發佈了不少三名孩子的相片及影片,當中亦寫上他非常愛子女及「爸爸很想念你們」等文字。
A woman holds her baby next to the scene of a car fire which claimed the lives of a man and his three children in Brisbane, Wednesday, February 19, 2020. (AAP Image/Dan Peled) NO ARCHIVING
A woman looks on with her baby next to the scene of a car fire which claimed the lives of a man and his three children in Brisbane. Source: AAP

任何人如需要心理健康支援或相關資訊,可致電 Lifeline 危機支援熱線 13 11 14、Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 167、1800 RESPECT(1800 737 732)及 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800。

The three Baxter children.
The three Baxter children died in the fatal car fire. Source: Facebook

Published 20 February 2020 10:47am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:18pm
By Jennifer Mok, Winmas Yu

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