

Pro-democracy groups rally in Sydney to condemn China's activity in Hong Kong.

Pro-democracy groups rally in Sydney to condemn China's activity in Hong Kong. Source: Twitter/ricky_keung


香港人組織於星期六(11 月 2 日)舉辦遊行,由新州州立圖書館(State Library of NSW)正門遊行至雪梨市政廳前地廣場(Town Hall Square),期間途經澳洲外交部辦事處遞交請願信。
Protesters demand world's major economies sanction China over human rights concerns
Source: Supplied/ NSW HongKongers
Protesters demand world's major economies sanction China over human rights concerns
Source: Supplied/ NSW HongKongers
香港民間人權陣線副召集人梁穎敏(Bonnie Leung)亦有出席活動,促請澳洲政府仿效美國訂立類似《香港人權及民主法案》的「人權法案」。


大會表示,活動有約 1,100 人出席。
Protesters demand world's major economies sanction China over human rights concerns
Source: Supplied/ NSW HongKongers
Protesters demand world's major economies sanction China over human rights concerns
Source: Supplied/ NSW HongKongers

Protesters demand world's major economies sanction China over human rights concerns
Source: Supplied/ NSW HongKongers


Published 4 November 2019 11:06am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:22pm
By Winmas Yu, Camille Bianchi

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