雪梨西北區 BMW「墮樓」四輪朝天


Driver crashes through Eastwood car park brick wall

Source: Facebook/ Humans of Eastwood Daily

該輛黑色寶馬(BMW)汽車在星期四(2 月 21 日)下午約 5 時 50 分,突然衝出雪梨西北區 Eastwood 購物中心停車場的泊車位,並由兩層樓高的位置墮下至 Rutlege Street 地面。

報道,涉事位置位於該購物商場 Woolworths 超市一方的停車場方向位置;該輛寶馬汽車在墮地後四輪朝天。

駕駛汽車的一名女司機僅受輕傷,被送往皇家北岸醫院(Royal North Shore Hospital)接受診治。

Driver crashes through Eastwood car park brick wall
Source: Facebook/ Humans of Eastwood Daily
Driver crashes through Eastwood car park brick wall
Source: Facebook/ Humans of Eastwood Daily
Driver crashes through Eastwood car park brick wall
Source: Facebook/ Humans of Eastwood Daily
Driver crashes through Eastwood car park brick wall
Source: Facebook/ Humans of Eastwood Daily


Published 22 February 2019 8:00pm
By Winmas Yu

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