
新州警方表示,相信已尋回早前失蹤的 28 歲華裔女子俞琪的遺體。

Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room.

Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room. Source: Seven Network

新州警方表示,相信已尋回早前失蹤的 28 歲華裔女子俞琪的遺體。

澳洲廣播公司及報道,警方於星期三(7 月 25 日)上午約 8 時半,在新州 M1 公路 Mount Kuring-gai 出口以南一公里位置發現俞琪的遺體。


Sydney woman Qi Yu's body found by highway, police believe
Source: ABC/ Marty McCarthy

俞琪在 6 月 8 日(星期五)晚上與家人聯絡後失去蹤影;警方亦在 6 月 12 日(星期二)拘捕一名 19 歲名為董碩(音譯自 Shuo Dong)的男子,並控以謀殺罪。

董碩曾在 6 月 13 日出庭應訊;據悉他未有協助警方的調查工作。警方在 6 月 26 日聯同其父母召開記者會,呼籲公眾提供線索。

負責案件的探員劉易斯(Kerrie-Anne Lewis)警司當時表示,警方的搜索範圍「相當廣泛」,水、陸、空警員均曾參與搜索行動。

Family of missing Sydney woman Qi Yu appeal for information, man charged with murder
Source: SBS Cantonese
Qing He, the mother of missing women Qi Yu, with her photo.
Qing He, the mother of missing women Qi Yu, with her photo. Source: AAP


Published 25 July 2018 9:30pm
Updated 25 July 2018 10:13pm
By Winmas Yu

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