長榮航空 17 天罷工終於落幕

台灣的長榮航空 (Eva Air) 勞資雙方簽署協議,結束工潮,勞方將於週三凌晨零時正式結束長達 17 天的罷工。  

EVA Air management and the Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union signed an agreement Saturday (July 5) evening to end the unprecedented 17-day strike.

EVA Air management and the Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union signed an agreement Saturday (July 5) evening to end the unprecedented 17-day strike. Source: udn.com/ 林俊良


今次是台灣航空業歷時最長的罷工,有 1,400多架次的航班遭取消、接近 28 萬名旅客受影響。

Published 7 July 2019 12:15pm
Updated 7 July 2019 12:40pm

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