
Home prices in more than four out of five council areas have reached their peak and are sliding towards an unknown nadir.

Home prices in more than four out of five council areas have reached their peak and are sliding towards an unknown nadir. Source: Pixabay - CC0 Creative Commons

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總部設於巴黎的 OECD (經濟合作與發展組織) 發表報告,就澳洲的樓市作預測。 報告顯示,澳洲的樓市正朝著「軟著陸」方向進發,不過,他們不排除還會進一步「硬著陸」,因此,呼籲有關的金融及監管機構要做好準備。 詳情請聼溫楚良和宋慶勤以下的時事報導。
