反送中遊行移師九龍舉行 23 萬人參與

A protester holds a placard with the portraits of Xi Jinping, Carrie Lam and the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Matthew Cheung.

A protester holds a placard with the portraits of Xi Jinping, Carrie Lam and the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Matthew Cheung. Source: AAP

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反修訂《逃犯條例》遊行集會昨日首度轉戰九龍。 發起人初時預期參與人數不多,只有數千人,但怎料負責人劉穎匡昨日傍晚宣布有逾 23 萬人參與,遠超預期。

雖然劉穎匡於昨晚 7 時許宣佈遊行結束,但仍有大批遊行人士未有離去。有示威者於晚上 8 時發現 612 示威中有份負責清場的外籍指揮官陶輝(Rupert Dover)出現,隨即上前包圍及指罵陶輝,但陶輝並無回應。

