【何伯特通訊】阿瑟港水位百七年來上漲 1.6 米

In Tasmania, the first sea-level benchmark was put in place at Port Arthur. The sea levels had risen by about 16 centimetres since 1841.

In Tasmania, the first sea-level benchmark was put in place at Port Arthur. The sea levels had risen by about 16 centimetres since 1841. Source: Pixabay / PixbayBlade

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地球水位不斷上漲,原來根據塔州阿瑟港的記錄,與 170 年前相比,現在的水位上漲了 1.6 米。 另外,塔州北部一家錳鐵合金製造商遇到可能關閉的困境,由於它消耗塔州不少電量,它一旦關閉,對電價會有何影響?請聼馮家顯和溫楚良的《何伯特通訊》。
