
Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)

Source: Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)

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Social activity of Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)
Source: Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)
A talk held by Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)
Source: Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)
Night activity held by Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld) .
Source: Hong Kong Culture and Unity Association (Qld)


SBS 中文堅守《SBS 行為守則》及《SBS 編採指引》,以繁體中文及簡體中文提供公平、公正、準確的新聞報道及時事資訊。作為一個公共服務廣播機構,SBS 的主要作用是提供多語種媒體服務,為全體澳洲人提供資訊、教育性及娛樂性內容,並與此同時反映澳洲多元文化社會的特色。SBS 廣東話及 SBS 普通話電台節目均已為大眾服務超過 40 年。

