【能源危機】監察機構推解決方案 望政府儘快通過

Big energy users will be able to sell their demand reduction into the grid, through a new third-party provider.

Big energy users will be able to sell their demand reduction into the grid, through a new third-party provider. Source: Press Association

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澳洲能源市場監察委員會(Australian Energy Market Commission)正草擬一份改革議案,希望政府可以儘快通過,到底草案內建議,將可如何滿足減低電力成本及確保電力供應呢兩方面的需求?另外,Coles連鎖超級市場再推出新一輪換領塑膠玩具的計劃,為何惹起環保人士批評?詳情請聽梁焱剛及鄺美玲報導。
