逃犯條例修訂繼續發酵 近 9 千澳洲人聲援港人

A woman and a child wearing protective gear joins tens of thousands of protesters marching through the streets in protest of an extradition bill.

A woman and a child wearing protective gear joins tens of thousands of protesters marching through the streets in protest of an extradition bill. Source: AAP

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《逃犯條例》修訂的風波繼續在香港發酵。 雖然香港特首林鄭月娥在上周六的記者會上表示,政府暫緩修訂逃犯條例,可是市民不滿,昨日大批市民繼續響應民陣發起的另一場大遊行,要求政府不是暫緩,而是撤回《逃犯條例》修訂、取消 612 為暴動的定性和要求特首下台。

