Learn Dutch - Episode 21: typical Dutch food

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In this podcast series you will learn a few Dutch words and pronunciations every week in a few minutes. The lessons are in English and are hosted by Dutch teacher Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce. If you are in the Netherlands or you speak Dutch, you cannot avoid talking about typical Dutch food every now and then. In this lesson you will learn more about stroopwafels, poffertjes, croquettes and frikandels.

Words from lesson 21: typical Dutch food
syrup waffle(de) stroopwafel
pancake(s)(de) pannenkoek(en)
mini Dutch pancake(s)(de) poffertje(s)
lollies(de/het) snoep
liquorice(het) drop
hot chips / friespatat OR friet
frikandel (fried Dutch meat sausage)(de) frikandel
croquette(de) kroket
Click here for more information about Joyce from Dutch with Joyce.
