Ecologen registreren eerste Western Quoll baby's in meer dan honderd jaar tijd

Quoll Timtam

Tim Tam pictured tampering with a cat trap outside Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary’s feral predator, free fenced area. Tim Tam is one of four Western Quolls born at the sanctuary in over a century. The quolls are believed to have been weaned off mums’ pouches in December last year and their images were discovered by ecologists reviewing data captured by motion sensor cameras in 2024. Credit: Australian Wildlife Conservancy

Mooi nieuws vanuit Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary, want daar zijn voor het eerst in meer dan honderd jaar baby quolls gespot. Ecologen kwamen de diertjes op het spoor toen het lokaas uit de kattenvallen verdween, maar er geen dieren gevangen werden. De jonge quolls werden met dank aan wildcamera's op 'heterdaad betrapt'. We spraken met veld ecoloog Robin Sinclair van Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC).

AWC quolls
Erin Barritt and Robin Sinclair, AWC Field Ecologists, processing Tim Tam, one of the first independent Western Quolls born at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary in over a century. Credit: Matt Lynn/Australian Wildlife Conservancy
4. Tim Tam's spots and bushy tail AWC
The spots and bushy tail of Tim Tam, one of the first independent Western Quolls born at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary in over a century. Credit: Georgina Anderson/Australian Wildlife Conservancy
