Fun ideas for a quiet New Year's Eve at home

Who says New Year's Eve has to mean a sky full of fireworks and people banging on pots and pans?


Here's to the 365 days that passed, and the 365 days that lie before us! Source: from Pexels

New Year's Eve in the Philippines is loud and noisy, and while there are certain rules against the use of fire crackers, people still find a way to add these explosives to the merriment. 

In Australia, New Year's Eve tends to be a little bit quieter and a little bit less chaotic, but this also means that people are a little less likely to lose fingers and extremities before the year ends.

If you're one who wants to make the most of a peaceful evening before work begins yet again, here are some fun ideas you can do during a quiet New Year's Eve at home:

1. Video chat with loved ones.
video call
You may be apart, but you'll still be ending a year and starting another together. Source: from Pexels
The best way to end a year and to start another is to be with the ones you love the most.

While geography prevents you from giving your mum in the Philippines a kiss when the clock strikes twelve, technology can at least allow you to connect and celebrate together.

2. Look back on the year that was.
Look back on the year that was. Source: Pexels
Remember the year that was by creating a time capsule or photo book filled with memories of 2018. 

Do this activity with family and friends, reminisce about the year that's gone by, and take a shot every time anyone mentions how time has flown by so quickly.

3. Netflix and chill (literally).
Netflix and (literally) chill with the cooling on. Source: from Pexels
Holiday-themed or not, binge watching a favourite show or film with family and friends isn't only fun, it's a great excuse for lazy, boozy, gluttonous lounging. 

So stay home, kick back and chill on the couch with the A/C on full blast while the debilitating hot winds blow outside.

4. Have a game night.
game night
Game on! Source: Pixabay
While people today typically opt to play games on their phones, there's still something special about game night with board games.

So, bring out that Scrabble box with the missing 'X' tile, or that Monopoly Game you've yet to remove from its plastic covering, and enjoy a New Year's Eve game night with your loved ones.

5. Drink and eat. A lot.
Eat, drink and be merry; for tomorrow, we diet. Source: Lisa Fotios from Pexels
Red watusis, explosive triangles, sparkly fountains and even hornpipes may not be part of your New Year agenda, but food and drinks will certainly make a showing. 

So, go on - eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we diet (hopefully).


3 min read
Published 28 December 2018 8:05am
By Nikki Alfonso-Gregorio

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