Art as a reflection of life

Emil by Christopher Sherman3.jpg

Emil Canita's 'At first I was afraid' is a reflection of how he came to terms with his childhood experience and the experiences and or thoughts of his clients as a sex worker. Credit: Christopher Sherman

Emil Canita was nine years old when a close family friend sexually abused him repeatedly until he was a teenager. This experience deeply affected his life.

Key Points
  • Emil Canita kept quiet about the abuse and only shared it with his mother when he was an adult.
  • It was during the pandemic that he realised he suffrered from post traumatic stress and sought the support of a therapist.
  • Emil Canita identifies as a trans-gender fluid.
Emil Canita's childhood experience in relation to his sexuality is reflected in his works, and photographs.

Australian artist William Yang has a big influence on his art.

The exhibit's title 'At first I was afraid' mirrors his feelings and reflections before he shared his experience of sexual abuse during his childhood. It is also a nod to his mother who came to Australia as a performing artist.

'At first I was afraid' is on exhibit at the in Melbourne.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, report it to the police through 000 and through the National Sexual Assault Family and Domestic Violence Counselling Line 1800 – RESPECT or 1800-737-732. 
