The significance of Holy Week for Filipinos living in Australia

SBS Filipino

Source: SBS Filipino

With Filipinos adapting to a diverse culture in Australia, have 'Holy Week' lost its meaning?

Holy Week is a significant religious observance that is widely practiced in the Philippines and by most Filipinos as part of tradition.

It is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ.

Speaking to SBS Radio, Filipino migrants share their personal views about Holy Week. 


Buddy Abadilla, Senior Pastor Connect City Church

For Buddy Abadilla, Holy Week is the most sacred season for Christians and is the perfect time to reflect on Christ's suffering on the cross.

"It is very important to remember our Lord Jesus Christ who died for all of us that we might live with him."

He adds that although some Filipinos in Australia still finds the event significant, there are some that choose to spend it by going on holidays, parties and long drives instead of attending church service and praying.

"Most of the people spend it as a long weekend or holiday break but for me, Holy Week is to spend time with God and a time of remembering God's goodness in our lives and in our families."

He is also urging Filipino families to attend Good Friday and Easter service to commemorate the said event.
Buddy Abadilla
Source: Buddy Abadilla

Alf Ciriaco, Uni student

For Alf Ciriaco, Holy Week is a reminder of salvation.

"It's good to remember what God did on the cross to remember that in Him we have hope and in Him we also have salvation."

Growing up from a family with a strong Christian faith, he observes that most Australians do not follow Holy Week traditions as compared to what is practiced back in the Philippines.

"Here in Australia there are no traditions like what we have in the Philippines. In the University here, Christian students only have gatherings for like-minded people then they discuss about what Easter Sunday or Holy Week is."
Alf Ciriaco
Source: Alf Ciriaco

Joy Go, Mother

For Joy Go, inculcating the real meaning of Holy Week to her Australian children is of prime importance.

She says that more and more Filipinos are adapting to the way of life in Australia thus, neglecting the true meaning of the week.

"Australia has multi nationalities so for them Holy Week is [just] a holiday or a long weekend. I'm not seeing [anymore] the traditions that I grew up with like staying home, going to the church especially for the religious. I think we are adapting to that and most Filipinos have adapted to the life in Australia."
Joy Go
Source: Joy Go

Floribeth Saavedra, Nurse

For Syndey-based registered nurse Floribeth Saavedra, Holy Week is not about custom and tradition but more on remembering the vital events of the week.

"In my opinion, language and customs surrounding the Holy Week is not really the point, what's important for me are the events of the week and that we are always seeing the importance of this."
Floribeth Saavedra
Source: Floribeth Saavedra

Lorna Ramirez, Writer/Author

Lorna Ramirez defines Holy Week as a week of recollection, repentance, meditation and change.

"It's important to remember Holy Week to remind us to be humble. Sometimes we think we are stable and think we have everything but no. The more you have those talents and blessings you should be humble as possible. We have to remember this to exemplify that Christ died for his loved ones. That's what we should do as well, sacrifice for our loved ones."
Lorna Ramirez
Source: Lorna Ramirez
