Cov poj niam kawm thiab ua hauj lwm cuam tshuam txog cov sob kawm science

Science class

Natalie Chapman with students in STEM room Source: SBS

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Lub plua National Science Week 11-19/8/2018 no tau muaj Australia 3 tug poj niam tau los qhia tias vim li cas lawv thiaj kawm cov sob kawm science thiab ua tej hauj lwm no thiab thiaj xav txhawb nqa kom tej hluas lso yog tej me yes mus kawm cov sob kawm Science, Technology, Engineer thiab Mathametics (STEMs) no.

Tsis tas li no koj muaj peev xwm mus nyeem tau lwm yam xov xwm tib yam thiab.

Yog koj xav txheeb xyuas tau xov xwm kom ntxaws ces nyem ntawm no.

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