Cibreo, the unusual chicken dish that caught Emiko Davies by surprise

Italian meal cibreo by Emiko Davies

Cibreo contains chicken crests and “beans” Source: Emiko Davies

In our fourth episode of The Ugly Ducklings of Italian Cuisine, we travel back in time to Renaissance Florence, where Catherine De’ Medici was in love with cibreo. The dish uses some very exotic parts of the chicken, including its crest and testicles.

Cibreo is a creamy sauce which Florentines eat with plenty of fresh bread.

The recipe has been around for centuries and also appears in Italian cuisine’s “bible”, La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene by Pellegrino Artusi, first published in 1891.


  • You might need to do some homework if you want to prepare cibreo in Australia
  • In Florentine cuisine very little is wasted
  • French cuisine may have benefited from having Catherine De’ Medici as their queen

Emiko Davies is an Australian born author who now lives in Florence. She prepared cibreo for the first time in preparation for this podcast, and she discusses it with Francesco Mannelli, Executive Chef at Mode Kitchen and Bar at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney.
Francesco Mannelli and Emiko Davies
Francesco Mannelli and Emiko Davies Source: Francesco Mannelli/Emiko Davies
Listen now to the fourth episode of .
Cibreo, the unusual chicken dish that caught Emiko Davies by surprise image

Cibreo, the unusual chicken dish that caught Emiko Davies by surprise

SBS Italian

Scarrafoni in Cucina: The Ugly Ducklings of Italian Cuisine is SBS' first bilingual podcast in English and another language. Listen now .
