Gary Lang's 'The Other Side of Me' gives voice to a Stolen Generations story

Gary Lang_Photo by Paz Tassone.jpg

Gary Lang

Choreographed by Gary Lang, ‘The Other Side of Me’ is an international collaboration with Northumbria University that delves into the personal story of a young Aboriginal man adopted by a white English family in the 1960s. Through dance, Lang navigates the complexities of the Stolen Generations' trauma, offering insights into the struggles of identity, family, and cultural heritage.

'The Other Side of Me' is set to premiere at from April 30th to May 2nd.

In a conversation with NITV Radio, Gary Lang explained how this cross-cultural collaboration draws from personal letters and poems to sharing the story of a young Aboriginal man adopted and raised in a remote UK village. 

This story is not just his story - it’s our story. It belongs to Australia.
Gary Lang

In this production Lang explores the young man's struggle to reconcile his two identities, offering insights into the profound effects of being torn between two families, countries, and cultures.

His choreography seeks to honor not just this individual story, but the experiences of all those impacted by the Stolen Generations.

With its universal themes and powerful storytelling, 'The Other Side of Me' promises to be a transformative theatrical experience that resonates long after the final curtain falls.
