Indian international student sustains critical injuries in a swimming pool incident in Adelaide

Manjot Singh Cheema

Manjot Singh Cheema Source: by Mr Singh

A 20-year-old international student from India sustained serious injuries while swimming at a hotel’s pool in Adelaide where he stayed with a group of friends during the Christmas holidays.

  • Indian international student sustains critical injuries in a pool diving accident in Adelaide
  • Melbourne-based Manjot Singh Cheema had travelled to SA for Christmas holidays
  • Community comes forward to assist his family through a fundraiser
A Christmas fun trip turned into a disaster for Manjot Singh Cheema when he got critically injured while diving into a swimming pool in Adelaide last week.

The Melbourne-based student had travelled to South Australia along with a group of close friends.

Mr Cheema, who has received injuries to his neck and spinal cord, is currently recovering in the ICU unit of Adelaide hospital where he was admitted in a critical condition last Friday.

He is also suffering from pneumonia which he got after water flooded his lungs.
Manjot Singh Cheema was admitted at the Adelaide hospital.
Manjot Singh Cheema was admitted at the Adelaide hospital. Source: by Mr Singh
‘Manjot is an experienced swimmer’

Melbourne-based Tejwinder Singh who was with him at the time of the accident told SBS Punjabi that Manjot is in a "critical, but stable condition.”

“He still cannot feel the lower part of his body due to severe neck and spinal cord injuries. The doctors have not told us how long it would take for him to get back on his feet,"  said Mr Singh.
We are praying for his good health as we seriously hope that he doesn’t face any permanent physical disabilities.
Describing the circumstances that led to this accident, Mr Singh said he still cannot believe how Manjot sustained injuries as he is a “very cautious and experienced swimmer.”

“We are still shocked that this happened to him,” he said.

“We were staying at this hotel to enjoy our time-off. He got injured after he dived into the swimming pool. He remained submerged for a while before floating back to the surface.”
Manjot Singh Cheema is a Melbourne-based Indian international student. He hails from Ludhiana, Punjab.
Manjot Singh Cheema is a Melbourne-based Indian international student. He hails from Ludhiana, Punjab. Source: Supplied by Mr Singh
Mr Singh said they got him out of the water and immediately performed CPR to revive him.

“We were absolutely terrified. The paramedics and police were called before he was shifted to the hospital in an unconscious condition,” he said.

“We have informed his family back in India. But they are finding it difficult to travel to Australia at such short notice due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.”
His friends, meanwhile, have started a fundraiser to assist Manjot’s family who lives in Ludhiana in the northern Indian state of Punjab.

They have already managed to raise over $24,000 out of a target of $50,000 in a day’s time.
We’re very thankful to the people who are trying to assist the family when they need it the most financially.
“I have been informed that as an international student, he does have a medical insurance, but we are not sure about the medical bills as yet,” he said.
Mr Singh said they are also considering the option to transfer Manjot to a hospital in Melbourne which may cost them an extra $22,000 approximately, according to an estimate provided by the hospital authorities in Adelaide.

“We are still weighing our options. We also need to look at the costs that are associated with his family’s travel from India to Australia,” he said.

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Indian international student sustains critical injuries in a swimming pool incident in Adelaide image

Indian international student sustains critical injuries in a swimming pool incident in Adelaide

SBS Punjabi

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