About 350,000 people in Ethiopia's Tigray are starving amid worst global famine in a decade, UN says

The US and EU have issued an impassioned plea for greater international efforts to tackle an emerging famine in Ethiopia's Tigray and end the conflict wracking the region.

Displaced Tigrayans queue to receive food donated by local residents at a reception center for the internally displaced in Mekele, Tigray.

A high-level UN-led committee that focuses on rapid responses to humanitarian crises estimates that some 350,000 people in Tigray region are in famine. Source: AP

More than 350,000 people in Ethiopia's Tigray are suffering famine conditions with millions more at risk, according to an analysis by United Nations agencies and aid groups that blamed conflict for the worst catastrophic food crisis in a decade.

"There is famine now in Tigray," UN aid chief Mark Lowcock said on Thursday after the release of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis, which the IPC noted has not been endorsed by the Ethiopian government.

"The number of people in famine conditions ... is higher than anywhere in the world, at any moment since a quarter million Somalis lost their lives in 2011," Mr Lowcock said.

The Security Council will discuss the conflict on Tuesday, diplomats said, but the session will be held on an informal basis because of Ethiopian opposition to the council taking up the matter - a view shared to varying degrees by several members including Russia, China, Vietnam, India and African countries.

Most of the 5.5 million people in Tigray need food aid. Fighting broke out in the region in November between government troops and the region's former ruling party, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). Troops from neighbouring Eritrea also entered the conflict to support the Ethiopian government.

The violence has killed thousands of civilians and forced more than two million from their homes in the mountainous region.
The most extreme warning by the IPC - a scale used by UN agencies, regional bodies and aid groups to determine food insecurity - is phase 5, which starts with a catastrophe warning and rises to a declaration of famine in a region.

The IPC said more than 350,000 people in Tigray are in phase 5 catastrophe. This means households are experiencing famine conditions, but less than 20 per cent of the population is affected and deaths and malnutrition have not reached famine thresholds.

"This severe crisis results from the cascading effects of conflict, including population displacements, movement restrictions, limited humanitarian access, loss of harvest and livelihood assets, and dysfunctional or non-existent markets," the IPC analysis found.

For famine to be declared at least 20 per cent of the population must be suffering extreme food shortages, with one in three children acutely malnourished and two people out of every 10,000 dying daily from starvation or from malnutrition and disease.
Ethiopian government soldiers ride in the back of a truck on a road leading to Abi Adi, in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia.
Ethiopia sent troops into Tigray in November to detain and disarm leaders of the Tigray People's Liberation Front. Source: AP


Famine has been declared twice in the past decade: in Somalia in 2011 and in parts of South Sudan in 2017.

"If the conflict further escalates or, for any other reason, humanitarian assistance is hampered, most areas of Tigray will be at risk of famine," according to the IPC, which added that even if aid deliveries are stepped up, the situation is expected to worsen through September.

The Ethiopian government disputed the IPC analysis, saying food shortages are not severe and aid is being delivered.

Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesman Dina Mufti told a news conference on Thursday that the government was providing food aid and help to farmers in Tigray.

"They (diplomats) are comparing it with the 1984, 1985 famine in Ethiopia," he said. "That is not going to happen."
But US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said a humanitarian nightmare was unfolding.

"This is not the kind of disaster that can be reversed," she told a US and European Union event on Tigray on Thursday.

Referring to a previous famine in Ethiopia that killed more than one million people, she said: "We cannot make the same mistake twice. We cannot let Ethiopia starve. We have to act now."
The US has announced $US181 million ($A233 million) of additional funding to "deliver life-saving food, agricultural supplies, safe drinking water, shelter, health care and essential services" to those in need in Tigray.

World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley said that to stop hunger from killing millions of people in Tigray there needed to be a ceasefire, unimpeded aid access and more money to expand aid operations.

According to notes of a meeting of UN agencies on Monday, seen by Reuters, the IPC analysis could be worse as "they did not include those in Amhara-controlled areas" in western Tigray.

The EU also issued an impassioned plea for greater international efforts to tackle an emerging famine and end the conflict wracking the region.

"To avoid humanitarian catastrophe, the entire international community must act directly and indirectly, quickly and robustly," EU crisis management commissioner Janez Lenarcic said.
The head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Samantha Power, said Ethiopia's military allies "have burned and looted seeds and farm equipment and slaughtered oxen to ensure that the fields lay fallow, so determined are they to eliminate livelihood".

"These same forces have threatened, intimidated, detained and even killed aid workers attempting to feed the hungry," she said.
A statement Thursday from the UN World Food Programme underscored the need for greater access if the world is to "avoid a catastrophe".

The Rome-based agency said it had rapidly bolstered its aid efforts but is still being blocked by armed groups from reaching areas of great need.

"Millions of people urgently need food," it said. "Without it, many of them will die."

Mitiku Kassa, head of Ethiopia's National Disaster Risk Management Commission, said on Wednesday: "We don't have any food shortage."


5 min read
Published 11 June 2021 10:39am
Source: AFP, Reuters, SBS

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