Anatomy of a raid: Inside the operation that killed IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

US officials have given an in-depth account of the military operation that led to the death of the world's most wanted man.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi delivering a Friday sermon in the main mosque of Mosul, Iraq, on July 4, 2014.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi delivering a Friday sermon in the main mosque of Mosul, Iraq, on July 4, 2014. Source: ABACA

describing the events leading up to the death of IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Baghdadi killed himself during an overnight raid led by US military forces in Syria.

Tracking him down

The United States began to receive intelligence on the whereabouts of Baghdadi around a month ago, including some “helpful” information from the Kurds.

US intelligence officials were able to “scope out” his exact location two weeks ago, while Mr Trump himself became aware of the planned raid three days ago.
As part of the plan, the United States had to secure permission from Russia, Iraq and Turkey to fly over their airspace, according to Mr Trump and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien.

Mr Trump said the White House did not disclose the nature of the operation to Russia, but told Russian officials they would “like” it.

On Saturday, Mr Trump arrived back at the White House at around 4.30pm local time (10.30pm in Syria) after a round of golf in Virginia, according to his official schedule.

At around 5pm, he gathered in the White House Situation Room with Vice President Mike Pence, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, national security adviser Robert O’Brien, and other intelligence officials.
The leader of IS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during his first public appearance at a mosque in Mosul, July 5, 2014.
The leader of IS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during his first public appearance at a mosque in Mosul, July 5, 2014. Source: ABACA

Raid like 'watching a movie'

They watched the raid unfold live “as if you were watching a movie,” said Mr Trump.

Moments after they gathered, US military personnel and military dogs lifted-off in eight helicopters from an unidentified military base in the Middle East.

The personnel came from the Delta Force, one of the US special units mainly focused on counter-terrorism and often deployed to capture high-value targets.

A US official told Reuters the operation was staged from an airbase in western Iraq.
The on-the-ground operation in the Idlib region of Syria was supported by military aircraft and ships, said Mr Trump.

The operatives were also equipped with a military robot but did not ultimately use it.

Upon approaching Baghdadi’s compound, the helicopters came under gunfire but US forces were able to quickly suppress the assault and land safely.
Strategies Derided by President Fuel a Triumph, and a Debate
(The New York Times) Source: The New York Times
Believing the main compound door to be booby-trapped, they entered in just seconds by blasting through the wall, said Mr Trump.

“We were getting full reports on a minute-by-minute basis,” he added.

US forces quickly cleared the compound “with people either surrendering or being shot and killed,” he said.

Eleven children were removed, uninjured, and taken into care by a third party whom the president declined to name.

US soldiers captured and later imprisoned several Islamic State fighters.
Baghdadi fled into a subterranean area of the complex and into a tunnel, dragging three of his young children with him.

Mr Esper told CNN on Sunday that US forces called for Baghdadi to surrender but the world’s most wanted man refused.

Chased by the dogs and confronted by a dead-end, Baghdadi - “whimpering and crying and screaming,” according to Mr Trump - ignited his suicide vest, killing himself and his children and causing the tunnel to collapse.

No military personnel were hurt although one dog was badly injured.
People look at a destroyed house in Idlib province after the US operation targeting Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
People look at a destroyed house in Idlib province after the US operation targeting Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Source: AAP

The aftermath

With Baghdadi’s body “mutilated by the blasts,”

“The test results gave certain, immediate and totally positive identification. It was him,” said Mr Trump.

Speaking on NBC News’ Meet The Press with Chuck Todd on Sunday, Mr O’Brien said: “We were in the Situation Room. And the commander of the mission called and said, ‘100% confidence, jackpot.”

The soldiers proceeded to search the compound, taking “highly sensitive material” including information on Islamic State’s origins and its future plans.

In total, US forces were in the compound for around two hours before flying back out via the same route they flew in.

Baghdadi’s body will be “disposed of properly,” Mr O’Brien said, adding that he expected it to be the same protocol followed in 2011 for Osama bin Laden.

The al-Qaeda leader was buried at sea after US officials consulted with experts in Islamic law and ritual.

4 min read
Published 28 October 2019 2:17pm
Source: Reuters, SBS

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