Give Flynn immunity in 'witch hunt': Trump

Former adviser Michael Flynn should seek immunity from the "witch hunt" congressional probes into Russia's election influence, says Donald Trump.

Michael Flynn

Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security advisor. Source: AAP

US President Donald Trump is backing a decision by his former national security adviser to seek immunity in congressional investigations of possible ties between his campaign and Russia, but there's no immediate sign the request would be granted.

Retired General Michael Flynn, who resigned only 24 days after becoming national security adviser, wants protection against "unfair prosecution" if he testifies before the intelligence committees of the US Senate and the House of Representatives, his lawyer, Robert Kelner, said on Thursday.

Testimony from Flynn could help shed light on the conversations he had last year with Sergei Kislyak, Russian ambassador to the United States, while national security adviser for Trump's presidential campaign.
Trump, a Republican, tweeted on Friday: "Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!"

Trump would not comment further when asked about Flynn during a White House meeting with US manufacturers.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters he was not concerned that Flynn could provide information that could be harmful to the administration. He said Trump wanted Flynn to testify to "get this matter behind us" but declined to say specifically that he should be granted immunity.

US Representative Adam Schiff, ranking Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, said it was too soon to consider immunity requests.
Schiff said the panel would discuss any request with the Justice Department and the Senate Intelligence Committee, describing such a request "a grave and momentous step".

A government official with direct knowledge of the case told Reuters that lawyers for Flynn raised the immunity request roughly 10 days ago with representatives of the Senate panel.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Flynn had also sought immunity from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in exchange for testimony.

Congressional committees and the FBI are also looking into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election campaign.

Russia has denied allegations that it hacked emails of Democratic groups and released information to tip the presidential election toward Trump.

Watch: Former Trump advisor Flynn offers testimony for immunity

2 min read
Published 1 April 2017 6:18am
Updated 1 April 2017 8:21pm
Source: AAP

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