How world leaders are reacting to the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban

Joe Biden, Scott Morrison and Angela Merkel are among the world leaders to speak out after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan once again.

A Taliban fighter sits on the back of vehicle with a PK machine gun in front of the main gate leading to the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul

A Taliban fighter sits on the back of vehicle with a PK machine gun in front of the main gate leading to the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul Source: AP

World leaders are adjusting to the new political reality in Afghanistan, after a lightning offensive by the Taliban saw the group take control of the country again 20 years after it was removed from power by US-led forces.

US President Joe Biden (AEST), saying he stood by the policy and that it was time to leave after 20 years of conflict.

"I am president of the United States of America and the buck stops with me," Mr Biden said in a much-awaited televised address from the White House, after several days of silence on the momentous developments.

As scenes of mayhem unfolded in the Afghan capital, Mr Biden said he was "deeply saddened" by the turn of events - and promised to "speak out" on the rights of women now facing a return to Taliban rule.

But he was steadfast in insisting he did not regret pulling out America's troops - despite a torrent of criticism of the chaotic end to two decades of US-led military intervention.

"I stand squarely behind my decision," Mr Biden said. "After 20 years, I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw US forces."
People read newspapers about the Taliban taking over Kabul at a stall in Karachi, Pakistan, 16 August 2021.
People read newspapers about the Taliban taking over Kabul at a stall in Karachi, Pakistan, 16 August 2021. Source: EPA
Prime Minister Scott Morrison .

"No Australian who has ever fallen in our uniform has ever died in vain - ever," Mr Morrison told the ABC on Monday.

"Freedom is always worth it, fighting for it, whatever the outcome."

When asked how he felt about women and children in Afghanistan being once again controlled by a Taliban regime, Mr Morrison said he was "absolutely devastated".
German Chancellor Angela Merkel meanwhile has described the return of the Taliban to power as "particularly dramatic and terrible".

"It is terrible for the millions of Afghans who had worked for a freer society and who, with the support of the Western community, have focused on democracy, on education, on women's rights," she said. 

It was also devastating for the loved ones of soldiers who paid with their lives in the NATO operation, she said.

'A unified approach'

On Monday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, whose country holds the rotating G7 presidency, called for a virtual meeting of the group's leaders to discuss the crisis to agree a "unified approach".

Mr Johnson had said Friday the UK and its partners should ensure "the government of Kabul does not allow that country, again, to be a breeding ground for terror".

French President Emmanuel Macron took a similar line in a televised address Monday.

Afghanistan should not once again become the "sanctuary of terrorism" that it had been until the US-led invasion two decades ago, he said.

"This is key for international security and peace... we will do everything for Russia, the United States and Europe to cooperate efficiently as our interests are the same," he added.

The European Union would set up an initiative to prevent large migrant flows from the country, he added. EU foreign ministers are to discuss the crisis on Tuesday.

Russia, China, reach out

Russia, one of the few countries not evacuating its diplomatic staff from Kabul, said it was suspending judgment on the regime.

Foreign ministry official Zamir Kabulov said Russia would decide on recognising the new Taliban government based "on the conduct of the new authorities".

Moscow had "established working contacts with representatives of the new authorities", and Russia's ambassador was due to meet the Taliban on Tuesday.

A Chinese government spokesman said Monday Beijing was ready to deepen "friendly and cooperative" relations with Afghanistan.

"The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China's participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan," said a foreign ministry spokeswoman.

Iran 'monitoring' developments

Iran's new ultraconservative President Ebrahim Raisi saw the chance of something positive.

"The military defeat and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan should offer an opportunity to restore life, security and lasting peace in that country," said Mr Raisi, quoted by his office. 

While his statement did not directly mention the Taliban, it did say Tehran wanted good relations with its eastern neighbour and was "closely monitoring" developments there.

Iran hosts nearly 3.5 million Afghans, who make up nearly four percent of its population, according to the UN refugee agency. 

Others meanwhile, welcomed the Taliban's return to power.

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, said it "congratulates the Taliban movement and its courageous leadership on this victory, which was the culmination of its long struggle over the past 20 years".

Additional reporting by SBS News, AAP.

5 min read
Published 17 August 2021 7:23am
Source: AFP, SBS

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