Inquest into Qld teen's murder continues

Police officers who investigated Annette Mason's murder more than 30 years ago will be in focus as the inquest into the Queensland teenager's death draws to a close.

Annette was 15 when she was bludgeoned to death in a house she shared with friends in Toowoomba in November 1989.

She died of blunt force trauma to the head inflicted with a piece of timber found in the laundry.

No one has been charged with the murder.

Coroner Terry Ryan is examining at the inquest when, where and how Annette died.

He will also try to determine if anyone should be charged with Annette's murder or manslaughter.

A witness - who can't be identified for legal reasons - on Wednesday denied that he had killed Annette but claimed there was plenty of speculation in Toowoomba after her death.

"There were a lot of rumours, that a girl done it. Annette was with some bloke and his girlfriend done it," he said.

"There was another rumour going around that she was blackmailing someone...(and) there was a rumour going around that it was (an) accident too."

The inquest is a chance for Annette's family to finally get some answers after waiting decades.

Since the inquest resumed this year, her mother Judith Anderson and sister Linda Mason have been in attendance wearing yellow - Annette's favourite colour.

Police who investigated Annette's death more than 30 years ago will appear when the inquest is set to come to a close on Thursday.

The first inquest in 1991 was closed and subject to "reopening at any stage should further evidence become available".

It was reopened in 2018, but then adjourned after only a handful of weeks and further delayed by COVID-19 and DNA testing by experts in New Zealand.

Laine Clark

2 min read
Published 5 June 2024 2:51pm
Source: SBS, AAP

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