Bridget Archer considers running for Liberal deputy as Peter Dutton tipped as potential leader

As Peter Dutton emerges as a potential frontrunner in the contest for new party leader, Ms Archer said she would "resist all efforts" to move the party further to the right

A man speaking.

Former home affairs minister and Liberal leadership hopeful, Peter Dutton. Source: AAP / JONO SEARLE/AAPIMAGE

Tasmanian Liberal Bridget Archer says she is considering putting her hand up for a role in the party's leadership team following its bruising federal election loss.

Ms Archer, who appears to have retained her ultra marginal seat of Bass at the federal election, was asked on ABC's RN Breakfast on Monday morning if she would consider running for the deputy leader spot.

"I feel like that would be fairly presumptuous," she said.

Asked again, given the risk that the party could move further to the right, she said "potentially".
Liberal member for Bass Bridget Archer at a press conference on 12 May, 2022. Source: AAP / MICK TSIKAS/AAPIMAGE
"I've seen some early commentary around some idea that the party should move further to the right and I will certainly resist all efforts for that to occur," she told host Patricia Karvelas.

"We need to bring the party back to the centre."

Outgoing defence minister Peter Dutton is the frontrunner to be the next leader of the Liberal Party.

But Ms Archer said she would "wait until the dust settles" from the election when it came to backing Mr Dutton.

She crossed the floor twice during her first term in parliament, defying the Liberal Party line on a national integrity commission and its failed religious discrimination bill over concerns about transgender children's rights.

Peter Dutton emerges as Liberal Party frontrunner

Peter Dutton would make an "excellent" Liberal leader in the wake of the federal coalition's election defeat, an outgoing minister says.

But fellow Queensland MP Stuart Robert rejected suggestions Mr Dutton could take the Liberal party further to the right.

"The key thing for the Liberal-Nationals parties is to represent aspiration," he told Nine Network on Monday.

"We have always been a sensible centre-right party and that is where which we should stay.

"Peter Dutton would make an excellent leader in terms of bringing everyone together."

Mr Robert also addressed the Liberal party's "woman problem" in the wake of an almost all-female slate of independents winning their seats and knocking off mainly moderate Liberal MPs.
"Everything is on the table ... to ensure that we can properly represent every single part of Australia," he said.

He pointed to the Sydney electorate of Fowler, where the "accomplished" Labor home affairs spokeswoman Kristina Keneally lost her tilt at the safe seat to an independent, local deputy mayor Dai Le.

"These are all of the issues we will have to unpack," he said.

Ex-prime minister Scott Morrison will formally step down from the Liberal leadership when the top job is spilled at the next party room meeting.

NSW minister and leading Liberal Party moderate Matt Kean says the party needs to rebuild after the devastating federal election loss by listening to the community on issues like climate, integrity and women.

The NSW treasurer says the party needs to "get back to the drawing board" after both major parties lost ground to candidates who were advocating for decisive action on climate change, for an integrity agency and women's issues.

Mr Dutton is being touted as the frontrunner to replace Scott Morrison although other names have been floated, including ex-home affairs minister and Queenslander Karen Andrews and former trade minister and Victorian Dan Tehan.

Mr Kean declined to say who was the best candidate to lead the party forward. "That's not a matter for me. It's a matter of the federal party room," Mr Kean told ABC TV on Monday.

"But what I will say is that we need a leader who is going to be able to set a new path for the Liberal Party."

Kristina Keneally concedes defeat in Fowler

Former Labor senator Kristina Keneally has conceded defeat in the southwestern Sydney seat of Fowler.

Ms Keneally suffered a 16.3 per cent swing towards independent Dai Le after the Labor party was criticised for parachuting her into the seat over local Tu Le.

Ms Keneally was tagged to the new minister for home affairs under an Albanese government.
Earlier on Sunday, incoming Labor MP for Reid Sally Sitou said her election victory was a large step forward for the multicultural community and their representation would make the parliament a stronger place.

"Asian-Australians want to see someone who represents them, and hopefully they see that," she told reporters in Sydney.

"You can dream big dreams, you are not defined by your postcode that you grew up in or the school that you went to or where your parents came from."

Ms Sitou said Labor would also have to reflect on its decision to parachute Ms Keneally to the southwest Sydney seat of Fowler at the expense of a local candidate, which led to controversy.

Ms Sitou said the community wanted candidates who reflected the broader electorate.

Tim Wilson concedes in Goldstein

In a tearful speech, Liberal Tim Wilson acknowledged the federal election result and the loss of his Victoria seat of Goldstein were shattering.

Mr Wilson said that based on a count of a batch of postal votes, it was unlikely he would be able to retain his seat against teal Independent Zoe Daniel.

The former coalition assistant minister for industry, energy and emissions reduction suffered a 13.1 per cent swing against him in the former blue-ribbon seat.

"Nobody's going to pretend that you're not shattered in events like this," he told reporters on Sunday.

"If it just happened in Goldstein, you'd say, 'OK, well, there's something wrong here' or something wrong with me, I should say ... but we haven't seen that.

Liberal candidate Tim Wilson has conceded his Melbourne seat of Goldstein.
Liberal candidate Tim Wilson has conceded his Melbourne seat of Goldstein. Source: AAP / LUIS ASCUI/AAPIMAGE
He said it was a deeply unsettling time for the country and, whether he liked it or not, the election was a reset after two years of disruption. He also wished Ms Daniel success, without mentioning her by name.

"It's challenging to face the fact that you may not be able to play the continuing role that you wished to, that you hoped to, that you sought - and that it's handed to somebody else," Mr Wilson said.

"The only thing I can wish them is every success for that privilege that they have now inherited, and not to waste it."
Dr Monique Ryan is greeted by her supporters at the Reception for the 2022 Federal Election, at the Auburn Hotel, in the seat of Kooyong, Melbourne on Saturday, 21 May, 2022. AAP Source: AAP / LUIS ASCUI/AAPIMAGE
It comes as independent candidate for the seat of Kooyong Monique Ryan has praised the "strong and mature" women teal independents for their successful fight against the Liberals in the federal election.

Dr Ryan is set to win the seat of Kooyong, likely defeating outgoing Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

"I haven't actually had a phone call from Mr Frydenberg as yet," Dr Ryan said.

"The AEC hasn't declared anything so I don't want to get ahead of myself. I feel like we have succeeded and I will be the next member for Kooyong.
Dr Ryan said that she wants to make Australian politics safer and more equal for women.

She said she wouldn't her daughter work at Parliament House in Canberra because "I couldn't feel that she was safe there."

"We have seen time and time again how the Morrison government treated people like Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame, Rachelle Miller, there are more stories to be told there I'm sure.

"There is a significant gender pay gap and inequities in superannuation.

"We are still seeing that a woman is killed every 11 days in Australia at the hands of her partner or ex-partner.

"It's not good enough."

Michaelia Cash says Liberals are handing over a country 'in good shape'

Western Australian senator Michaelia Cash said the election results in WA, which saw the Liberals lose at least four seats, could have been much worse for the party, given Labor's state election result in 2021. She also said the party has already "commenced the rebuilding process" while the Liberal government is handing over "in good shape".

"We hand over an Australia that is in good shape, that is the envy of so many other parts of the world, but ultimately, last night, democracy was in action and the choice of the Australian people was made," she said.
Outgoing attorney-general Michaelia Cash
Outgoing attorney-general Michaelia Cash says she the Liberal party's losses in Western Australia could have been worse given the wide support for Labor premier Mark McGowan. Source: AAP / MICK TSIKAS/AAPIMAGE
She said the anti-Clive Palmer campaign in WA and the federal government initially attempting to intervene in his challenge of the state's hard border closure had impacted the Liberal vote in the state.

"Even though we reversed it, meant that the Labor party was able to run an effective campaign against us, a very strong campaign, highlighting this decision, even though we reversed it and yet it certainly did have an impact on the vote last night."

The wide support of Labor premier Mark McGowan also played a part, she said.

"When you’ve got people approaching you on polling booths and genuinely saying, they weren’t trying to be smart, I’d like to vote for Mark McGowan, that just shows you that in Western Australia there is still that overwhelming support for Mr McGowan as premier."

Emotional Scott Morrison addresses his Sutherland church following election loss

Outgoing Prime Minister Scott Morrison has become emotional while addressing his church on Sunday morning.

While he remained composed during his concession speech on Saturday, Mr Morrison wiped away a tear when addressing the Sutherland Church in Sydney this morning.

“Jenny and I and the girls are very grateful to our church family here,” Mr Morrison said.

“You’ve given us a great foundation from which we could walk what has been a very difficult walk, I’ve got to tell you, over the last four years.
“Whether you’re a prime minister, a pastor, running a business, teaching in schools, working in the police force, it doesn’t matter. We’re each called to trust and obey. And that’s the life of faith He calls us to. That’s how we live our faith each and every day, regardless of what your job is, and to express it in how you do that.”

“I’m very pleased that the last thing I say as PM is here. So I’m not going to rely on my own words,” he said.

Mr Morrison then quoted the bible passage Habakkuk 3:17.

“Even if the fig tree does not blossom, and there is no fruit on the vines, if the yield of the olive fails and if the fields produce no food, even if the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls, yet I will triumph in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

“May God bless Australia. May God bless our community. And may God continue to show his favour on this wonderful church family.”

Mr Albanese will be sworn in as the 31st prime minister of Australia on Monday.

Liberals' post mortem begins as independents, Greens call for gender equality and climate action

The Liberal Party is coming to terms with last night's election loss and several members have reflected on what went wrong.

While less than one in three Australians voted for the Labor Party, an even smaller amount voted for the Liberals.

Outgoing Finance Minister Simon Birmingham on Sunday said the Coalition could have taken climate change more seriously, and admitted the government is able to "go further" on its 2030 carbon reduction commitments.

"We need to make sure that Australians understand we acknowledge the science of climate change and some of us always have, but all of us must," Mr Birmingham told the ABC.

"We acknowledge the need for Australia to play a leading role in action around the world and that we get our language as well as our policies right in that space."
Mr Birmingham also conceded that the Liberal Party needs to do better for women and gender equality.

"We need to make sure we win back many more of those professionals and especially Australian women," Mr Birmingham said.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg also reflected on his party's defeat and his likely defeat in the seat of Kooyong to independent candidate Monique Ryan.

"I am extremely proud of what I've been able to achieve as the member for Kooyong, both locally but also serving as the deputy leader of the Liberal Party and as the treasurer, most recently, for our great country," Mr Frydenberg told the ABC.

"Australia faces some pretty significant challenges ahead, both from the economic and on the national security front. I wish my colleagues on both sides of the political aisle all the very best in navigating those challenges.

"I've always seen politics in the Menziean way, as a battle of ideas, not a clash of warring personalities, and I am proud of the friendships I have been able to develop not just on my side of the political aisle but on either side of the political aisle, and I thank those colleagues for sending very kind messages last night."
Mr Frydenberg didn't blame outgoing Prime Minister Scott Morrison for the election loss, and said he showed "extraordinary leadership during extraordinary times".

Former Liberal Party frontbencher Julie Bishop sat on Channel Nine's election panel and put the change of government down to a failure of both major parties, rather than a win for Labor, due to the low primaries both received.

But she also said that the Coalition's image towards women played a part in its downfall.

“Women did not see their concerns and interests reflected in a party led by Scott Morrison in coalition with Barnaby Joyce,” Ms Bishop said.

“We have no mention at this point of the impact of Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins, they changed the narrative when they exposed an ugly side to the workplace in Canberra. That resonated with women.”
Independent Allegra Spender, who has likely taken the Sydney seat of Wentworth from the Liberals' Dave Sharma, said she would be a voice for the environment and business in parliament.

"This is about bringing the country together, with business, with community, with the environment and moving forward together," she said.

"The country wants to have a political class that is accountable."

The teal independents who ran in this year's election were mostly women.

"It shows that you can't ignore women anymore," Ms Spender said.

Former moderate Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, who received criticism from within his own party for discussing the advantages of the rise of independent candidates this election, is yet to comment on the Liberal's loss.

Advocacy groups welcome change for climate, social and gender inequality

Environmental activists Greenpeace has welcomed the Labor government's win over the Liberals, saying the "climate dinosaurs" are now "extinct".

“We wouldn’t usually celebrate any extinction event, but we’re delighted to see the end of climate dinosaur policies on climate change," CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific David Ritter said.

"Successive Coalition governments handed billions to the coal and gas industries while Australians battle worsening floods, fires and droughts, and our Pacific neighbours face existential climate threats.

"History will not remember them kindly. ”
Anglicare, an NGO that helps provide housing to disadvantaged Australians including children, welcomed the Albanese government.

“We support the new government’s focus on incomes and living costs, which are seeing record numbers of Australians do it tough," Anglicare Australia Executive Director Kasy Chambers said.

"People out of work are on the lowest incomes of all, and we hope to work with the new government reform Centrelink payments so that they keep pace with the cost of living.

“We need action on the huge shortfall in social and affordable housing.

"We look forward to working with the new government, and the new crossbench, on each of these fronts.”

National LGBTIQ+ group, Equality Australia, responded to this weekend’s election result, saying that it’s clear voters across the country have rejected the "politics of division."

“This election campaign, some have tried to divide the community, using the lives of one of the most marginalised groups of people in the country in a cynical attempt to win votes”, CEO of Equality Australia Anna Brown said.
“Politicians and commentators have spread ill-informed and alarmist views about trans people - particularly trans women and children - in an effort to undermine their ability to participate equally in our society and to wind back the hard-fought gains of the LGBTIQ+ community.

“But tonight’s result - particularly in Warringah - is a stunning rebuke of the politics of division, and another affirmation that the vast majority of the Australian community believes that every one of us, no matter who we are, whom we love, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.”

Mr Albanese and Ms Wong will head to Japan on Monday to meet with US President Joe Biden at the Quad summit.

With AAP.

15 min read
Published 22 May 2022 11:09am
Updated 22 May 2022 8:22pm
By Tom Canetti, Caroline Riches
Source: SBS, AAP

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