Scott Morrison's refusal to silence Craig Kelly over COVID misinformation labelled 'utterly irresponsible'

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has come under fire for refusing to condemn MP Craig Kelly for spreading misinformation about coronavirus treatments.

Liberal MP Craig Kelly.

Liberal MP Craig Kelly. Source: AAP

Pressure is growing on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to silence rogue Liberal MP Craig Kelly for spreading misinformation about unproven coronavirus treatments. 

The renewed backlash against Mr Kelly comes after he joined controversial celebrity chef-turned conspiracy theorist Pete Evans on a 90-minute podcast on Monday afternoon.

Mr Morrison on Monday declined to condemn government MPs for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 treatments, instead declaring Mr Kelly is “not my doctor.”
Labor’s health spokesman Mark Butler said it was “utterly irresponsible” that Mr Morrison had refused to call out Mr Kelly’s “relentless campaign” to undermine health advice.

“Craig Kelly is a dangerous menace and a threat to the nation’s COVID response and it’s beyond time that the Prime Minister developed the backbone to pull him into line,” he told reporters.

“The Prime Minister needs to take action.”
Mark Butler is the Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing.
Labor's Health spokesperson Mark Butler. Source: AAP
The warning has been backed by medical experts.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners on Tuesday said Mr Kelly’s persistent dissemination of misinformation was “unacceptable”. 

“It is unacceptable that Craig Kelly is persisting in disseminating misinformation concerning COVID-19 and to appear on this podcast with a disgraced former celebrity chef is very unhelpful,” RACGP President Dr Karen Price said.
Mr Evans was banned from Facebook late last year for “repeated violations” of the site’s policies concerning COVID-19 virus “misinformation”, while his podcasts were also removed from Apple and Spotify.

On his Instagram account Mr Evans wrote: "Craig Kelly is sharing the truth over and over again and keeps moving forward without fear.” 

Ms Price urged Australians to follow expert medical advice around the COVID-19 virus and vaccines.

“My advice to all Australians is straightforward but more vital than ever – when it comes to the COVID-19 virus and the vaccine please heed expert health advice, including from your GP,” she said.

Pressure to silence MP grows as Parliament returns

The return of politicians to Parliament on Tuesday has intensified pressure on Mr Morrison to reign-in Mr Kelly, particularly as his government tries to encourage uptake of the coronavirus vaccine.
The backbencher has amassed more than 90,000 followers on his Facebook account. 

Greens Leader Adam Bandt said Mr Morrison not pulling Mr Kelly in line amounted to giving him his “implicit backing”. 

“Scott Morrison is allowing his backbenchers to undermine the public health response to COVID and that should not be allowed,” he told reporters.
Nationals MP and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce warned Mr Morrison against “poking the bear” by attempting to silence Mr Kelly.

“That would just be poking the bear - people are smart enough to make their own decisions and Craig is not a doctor,” he told reporters.   

“You have a right to say what you live even though at times it is completely flawed and erroneous and incorrect."
Liberal MP Andrew Laming - himself a former doctor - said he didn’t believe “huge slabs of Australia” would “seriously" take on the advice Mr Kelly had spread.  

“I don’t think anyone is seriously listening to Craig Kelly,” he told reporters. 

“You might as well just let it be said but make it clear you don't support it.”   

When Mr Morrison was questioned about Mr Kelly’s behaviour at the National Press Club he said Mr Kelly is “not my doctor and he’s not yours.” 

He added people should get their health advice from “official government websites” and not “Facebook.”  

Mr Morrison also said Mr Kelly had done a “great job” as the member for his Sydney electorate. 

Mr Kelly has been contacted for comment. 

4 min read
Published 2 February 2021 12:37pm
Updated 2 February 2021 12:47pm
By Tom Stayner

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