Shorten tackles jobs, politics of Trump

The federal opposition leader has used a speech to the National Press Club to lay out Labor's plans for 2017.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten

Bill Shorten has nominated job creation and higher wages as key to Australia's economic future. (AAP)

Bill Shorten has nominated job creation, higher wages and shoring up the health and welfare safety net as key to Australia's economic future and staving off Trump-style politics.

The federal opposition leader used a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra on Tuesday to lay out his plan for 2017, which he said would be a year of preparation for the next election.

Mr Shorten said two things had changed since the July 2016 election - Donald Trump had become US president, on the back of a populist uprising in the US, and "Malcolm Turnbull has got worse".

But the one thing that had not changed was economic and productivity growth remained too low, wages growth was at historic lows and low interest rates weren't generating enough economic activity.

"Whilst I think Trump is one of the massive changes in recent times ... we are not America yet," Mr Shorten said.

"One of the great protections we have against extremism in this country is a strong wages safety net and ... Medicare."

The Labor leader called for greater public and private investment in roads, rail, broadband, social housing, tourism and airports, and the mandating of one in 10 federally-funded infrastructure jobs going to Australian apprentices.

However, he warned that "politics as usual" would no longer be accepted by voters, following Trump's victory and Brexit, and action was needed beyond economics to restore trust in the political system.

Mr Shorten outlined a three-point plan for restoring integrity, including an independent body to oversee politicians' expenses, a clampdown on foreign donations and lowering the disclosure threshold from $13,200 to $1000 and a Senate inquiry into a new national integrity commission.

Labor plans to convene a national skills summit involving educators, unions and business groups to "drive national change".

Mr Shorten took aim at the prime minister's initial silence on a Trump administration decision to ban travel into the US for dual nationals from seven "terror-source" countries.

"The job of prime minister's not worth having if you don't stand up for what you believe in," he said.

Mr Turnbull earlier announced a deal had been struck to ensure the US president's executive order would not affect any Australian passport holder.

Speaking more broadly on the US alliance, Mr Shorten said he wanted Australia to be a "strong ally" but not a "satellite" of America.

3 min read
Published 31 January 2017 8:54pm
Source: AAP

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