Sudan's army says it ousted the government 'to avoid civil war' as protests continue

Sudan's deposed Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has been returned to his own home the day after a military coup, a military source said late on Tuesday.

A Sudanese protester holds the national flag next to burning tires during a demonstration in the capital Khartoum, Sudan, 26 October, 2021.

A Sudanese protester holds the national flag next to burning tires during a demonstration in the capital Khartoum, Sudan, 26 October, 2021. Source: EPA

Sudan's armed forces chief defended the military's seizure of power, saying he had ousted the government to avoid civil war, while protesters returned to the streets to demonstrate against the takeover after a day of deadly clashes.

The military takeover on Monday brought a halt to Sudan's transition to democracy, two years after a popular uprising toppled long-ruling Islamist autocrat Omar al-Bashir.

Speaking on Tuesday at his first news conference since he announced the takeover, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said the army had no choice but to sideline politicians who were inciting against the armed forces.

"The dangers we witnessed last week could have led the country into civil war," he said, an apparent reference to demonstrations against the prospect of a coup.
Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, who was arrested on Monday along with other members of his cabinet, has been returned to his own home the day after a military coup, a military source said late on Tuesday.

"The prime minister... has been accompanied back to his own home in Kafouri district and security measures have been put in place around the perimeter of his home," the source, who requested anonymity, told AFP.

Coup leader and army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan had earlier on Tuesday said that Mr Hamdok was "at my home... (and) in good health".

Mr Burhan had appeared on TV on Monday to announce the dissolution of the Sovereign Council, a body set up after Mr Bashir's overthrow to share power between the military and civilians and lead Sudan to free elections.

The Facebook page for the office of the prime minister, apparently still under the control of Hamdok loyalists, called for his release and that of the other civilian leaders.

Mr Hamdok remains "the executive authority recognised by the Sudanese people and the world", the post said. It added that there was no alternative other than protests, strikes and civil disobedience.
Protestors rally in Khartoum, Sudan
Protestors rally in Khartoum, Sudan. Source: AAP
Sudanese ambassadors to 12 countries, including the United States, United Arab Emirates, China, and France, have rejected the military takeover, a diplomatic source said on Tuesday.

Ambassadors to Belgium and the European Union, Geneva and UN agencies, China, South Africa, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Sweden and Canada also signed on to the statement, which said the envoys backed popular resistance to the coup.

Western countries have denounced the coup, called for the detained cabinet ministers to be freed and said they will cut off aid if the military does not restore power-sharing with civilians.

Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman across the Nile river were partly locked down on Tuesday with shops shut and plumes of smoke rising from where protesters were burning tyres. Calls for a general strike were played over mosque loudspeakers. Streets and bridges were blocked by soldiers or protester barricades.

Downtown and commercial areas of Khartoum were empty with shops, markets and offices all shut in the city centre.

The only people in the streets apart from protesters were security forces heavily deployed around the presidential palace and ministry of defence.

A group of neighbourhood resistance committees in Khartoum issued a statement later on Tuesday announcing a schedule of further barricades and escalating protests leading to what it said would be a "march of millions" on Saturday.
A protester holds a Sudanese flag during demonstrations in support of the civilian government in Khartoum, Sudan, 21 October 2021
A protester holds a Sudanese flag during demonstrations in support of the civilian government in Khartoum, Sudan, 21 October 2021. Source: EPA
The military appeared to have underestimated civilian opposition on the street, according to Jonas Horner of the International Crisis Group.

"They haven't learned their lesson," he said. "As we saw post the revolution and post-Bashir, the streets were determined and civilians were willing to die for this."

A health ministry official said seven people had been killed in clashes between protesters and the security forces on Monday.

Mr Burhan said the military's action did not amount to a coup, as it had been trying to rectify the path of the political transition.

"We only wanted to correct the course to a transition. We had promised the people of Sudan and the entire world. We will protect this transition," said Mr Burhan. He said a new government would be formed that would not contain any typical politicians.

Sudan, for decades a pariah under Mr Bashir, has depended on Western aid to pull through an economic crisis in the two years since he was overthrown.

Banks and cash machines were closed on Tuesday, and mobile phone apps widely used for money transfers could not be accessed.

4 min read
Published 27 October 2021 6:00am
Updated 27 October 2021 6:16am
Source: AAP, SBS

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