The EU has adopted a 'life insurance' biodiversity plan aimed at protecting some ecosystems

Environmental groups have cautiously welcomed the move as a "much-needed beacon of hope", but said EU ministers had failed to make real progress on climate law.

A burnt pine in a Suzunsky forest next to the village of Shipunovo, 170 kms south from Siberian city of Novosibirsk.

A burnt pine in a Suzunsky forest next to the village of Shipunovo, 170 kms south from Siberian city of Novosibirsk. Source: AFP

European Union environment ministers have adopted a biodiversity strategy aimed at protecting ecosystems, a move deemed essential to tackling climate change and reducing the risk of future pandemics.

Meeting in Luxembourg on Friday, the 27 national ministers backed the EU Commission's strategy of placing at least 30 per cent of the EU's land maritime areas under special protection.

The objective will be reached "with all member states participating in this joint effort", the joint statement said.

"The Covid-19 pandemic has once again shown us the fundamental importance of ecosystems and biodiversity for our health and economic and social stability," German environment minister Svenja Schulze said.
01 October 2020, Berlin: German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Svenja Schulze speaks during a press conference at the end of the informal meeting of EU environment ministers. Photo: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa
German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Svenja Schulze Source: DPA
"Biodiversity is our life insurance: it supplies clean air and water, food, building material and clothing. It creates jobs and livelihoods. With the destruction of nature there is also the risk of disease outbreaks and pandemics," she added.

The European governments now expect the EU commission - the bloc's executive arm - to integrate the biodiversity policy objectives in relevant future legislative proposals.

The joint statement stressed the need "to fully integrate these objectives into other sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and forestry".
It also said member states wanted some EU climate action funding to be directed to biodiversity programs.

A report by the European Environment Agency (EEA), released on Monday, warned that more than 80 per cent of the European Union's natural habitats were in poor or bad condition.

"We clearly need a large-scale restoration in Europe," EEA expert Carlos Romao, one of the authors of the report, said at the time.

'Beacon of hope'

Friday's EU initiative received a cautious welcome from environmental groups.

"Today's endorsement is a much-needed beacon of hope," the WWF said in a statement.

But the group said the EU ministers had "failed to make real progress on the EU climate law, ignoring the European Parliament's recent support for a 60 percent emissions reduction target for 2030".

Strong differences remain between member states on that issue, with Poland leading a group of countries who believe that such a cut, or the 55 per cent from 1990 standards put forward by the Commission for 2030, are not feasible for economies reliant on carbon fuel.

The current agreed drop is 40 per cent.
The European Parliament also easily passed a massive farm subsidy bill on Friday, to the fury of environmental activists who say it fell well short of EU commitments to fight climate change.

"It's five minutes to midnight on the climate emergency clock, but our governments are stalling," Greenpeace EU climate policy adviser Sebastian Mang said. 

"Meanwhile, the gas industry, the industrial farming lobby, airlines and carmakers are shooting holes in the EU Green Deal, and our chance of a safe climate for people and nature is fading."

3 min read
Published 24 October 2020 5:08pm
Source: AFP, SBS

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