Timeline: Syria Unrest

Key dates in the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, which entered its 18th month in August, 2012.

Key dates in the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria, which entered its 18th month on Wednesday:

MARCH 2011

- 15: First protests after calls on Facebook for a "Day of Dignity."

- 18-27: Crackdowns in Damascus, Banias and Daraa, cradle of the uprising, where 100 are reportedly killed on the 23rd.


- 25-26: Protests spread and strengthen, with calls for the regime's fall.


- 18: US President Barack Obama and his allies urge Assad to quit. Western and Arab states later impose sanctions on his regime.


- 2: Creation of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC).


- 16: The Free Syrian Army (FSA), set up in Turkey by a deserter from Assad's army, claims an attack on a Damascus military base.

MARCH, 2012

- 21: The UN Security Council demands that Syria implement a peace plan drawn up by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan calling for a ceasefire and democratic transition.


- 12: The UN-backed ceasefire, which the regime accepted, formally begins, but violence continues.

- 14 and 21: Security Council Resolution 2042 -- the first adopted on the crisis -- calls for unarmed observers in Syria.


- 25: At least 108 people, including 49 children and 34 women, killed in Houla in Homs province. Rebels and regime blame each other for the massacre. The Security Council condemns Damascus.


- 16: UN observer head General Robert Mood suspends the work of his mission because of escalating violence, although the monitors remain in Syria.


- 3: The US-based Human Rights Watch says Syria is holding tens of thousands of detainees in a "torture archipelago."

- 6: Munaf Tlass, a high-profile general close to Assad, defects.

- 23: Regime forces, boosted by elite troops, reclaim most of the capital after days of unprecedented clashes.

- 18: Four top security officials, including Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, are killed in a Damascus attack.

- 19: Russia and China veto for the third time a UN Security Council resolution that would threaten sanctions against Assad.

- 28: The military launches a dawn assault on Syria's economic capital Aleppo, where clashes have been taking place since the 20th, using helicopter gunships, artillery and tanks as well as ground troops.


- 2: Annan resigns after five months of fruitless peace efforts.

- 13: Rebels claim they downed a fighter jet.

- 14: More than 23,000 people have been killed since the outbreak of the revolt, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says.

- Former prime minister Riad Hijab, who defected on August 5, says that the regime is collapsing. Government forces concentrate their operations on the two main cities Damascus and Aleppo.

- 15: A bomb explodes in central Damascus near the hotel used by the UN observer mission in Syria, wounding three people.

3 min read
Published 15 August 2012 4:58pm
Updated 26 August 2013 10:48am
Source: AFP


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