Trump 'not conservative enough' for Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi says while Donald Trump is not conservative enough, the Republican candidate would make a better US President than Hillary Clinton.

Cory Bernadi

Source: AAP

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has pledged support for US Presidential candidate Donald Trump and slammed Hillary Clinton's "weaknesses" while on official temporary transfer to the United Nations.

"Donald Trump is not my ideal candidate, he's not conservative enough for me," Senator Bernardi told ABC radio.

"[Ms Clinton's] not prepared to make the changes I think America needs and I think Donald Trump is the person who is going to shake the system up and try and implement some change."
Senator Bernardi was chosen for the short-term posting to the UN in New York by a ballot of his colleagues earlier in the year, and told the ABC in March he would stay on script.

"I've already been told there's no freelancing at the UN," Senator Bernardi said.  

This morning the Senator decided to step away from the Turnbull Government's cautious approach when commenting on the US Election.  

"Barack Obama is a cheerleader, a partisan cheerleader," he said.  

"Whatever flaws Donald Trump has, he hasn’t engineered the use and misuse of the political system to enrich himself over many decades."
The comments are in addition to a written piece on the Senator's website under a blog post titled, Down to the Wire.

"Unlike most of my colleagues Down Under, I’ll be cheering on a Trump victory," Senator Bernardi wrote.

"I hope there’ll be something to celebrate."
Most within the government have chosen their words carefully when they've weighed in on the US Presidential Election, now less than a week away.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull labelled Mr Trump's previous descriptions of women as "loathsome" but didn't comment on his candidacy any further.

"I am not going to buy into the policy debate in the United States," Prime Minister Turnbull said.

On Sunday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the Federal Government was being briefed on both outcomes of the November 8 poll.

Ms Bishop said if Donald Trump was elected president, the Australian Government would work hard to ensure the country's interests were looked after.

"US engagement in our region is important for us. I believe that will continue under Hillary Clinton," Foreign Minister Bishop told ABC's Insider's program.

“It will be up to our region, including Australia, to persuade a Trump administration to focus on the Asia Pacific."

Senator Bernardi is in the US along with Labor Senator Lisa Singh as parliamentary observers to the UN General Assembly.

3 min read
Published 3 November 2016 2:59pm
By David Sharaz
Source: SBS World News

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