UK condemns China security law and offers citizenship to 3 million Hong Kong residents

Residents of the former British colony born before 1997 would be given rights to reside and work in the United Kingdom.

Police and protesters during a Hong Kong rally on July the 1st

Police and protesters during a Hong Kong rally on 1 July. Source: EPA

The United Kingdom says China's imposition of a security law on Hong Kong is a "clear and serious" violation of international law and is now offering around 3 million residents of the former colony a path to British citizenship.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement represents the most direct international response to legislation that has been roundly condemned by Western allies.

It comes during a London review of its entire range of relations with Beijing that includes a reassessment of the role China's Huawei is playing in the buildup of Britain's 5G data network.

"We stand for rules and obligations," Prime Minister Boris Johnson told parliament just hours after China made its first arrests in Hong Kong under the new legislation.

"The enactment and deposition of this national security law constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration."
Mr Johnson said London had warned Beijing that it would introduce a new route for those with British National Overseas status to move to the UK.

"And that is precisely what we will do now," he said.

Anyone born before 1997, the year the former British colony was handed back to China, can apply for a British National Overseas passport.

About 300,000 Hong Kongers have BNO passports and another 2.6 million are eligible to apply.

BNO Holders are currently entitled to visa-free access to the UK for six months but do not have the right to reside, work or access public funds including welfare payments.

The Government plans to give those with BNO status the right to remain, work and study in the UK for up to five years, after which they can apply for settlement status and later citizenship.
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said Britain's offer also extended to dependants of those with BNO status but refused to be drawn about how many would apply.

Sky News and other media said Mr Raab's office also summoned China's ambassador Liu Xiaoming to express its deep concern.

'Deeply disturbing'

Hong Kong was under UK jurisdiction until Britain handed it to China in 1997 with a guarantee that Beijing would preserve the city's judicial and legislative autonomy for 50 years.

But critics say the new law, passed by Beijing's rubber-stamp parliament this week without its text being released to the public, tests the limits of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle that formally entered international law in 1984.

Britain's last Hong Kong governor called details of the legislation unveiled overnight "even worse than I expected".

"It is Orwellian stuff," Chris Patten told the BBC.

"It does go wider and further than anybody had feared."

Britain's response to China's legislation offers a much smoother pathway to UK citizenship for millions of Hong Kongers.

Mr Raab said Hong Kongers with BNO status and their dependents would first have the right to work or study in Britain for five years.

They would then have the right to apply for settled status then possible citizenship.

He said there would be "no quotas" and described the entire system as "bespoke".

"This is a grave and deeply disturbing step," he said of the Chinese law.

"China through this national security legislation is not living up to its promises to the people of Hong Kong. We will live up to our promises to them," he told lawmakers.

Policy review

Britain had opened itself up to closer relations with China as it sought out trading partners after ending its decades-long membership in the European Union this year.

Mr Johnson's government also irritated the US administration in January by allowing the private Chinese telecoms group Huawei to unroll Britain's speedy new data network.

But Britain is now studying ways it can cut Huawei out of its system entirely and build up an alliance of European and Asian providers that reduces China's dominance in the field.
British condemnation of the Chinese law has spanned the political divide and seen London's Asia-focused HSBC group come under political assault for openly backing it last month.

Mr Raab did not mention the bank by name but noted: "The rights and the freedoms and our responsibilities in this country to the people of Hong Kong should not be sacrificed on the altar of bankers' bonuses".

HSBC offered support for the law after public pressure from a pro-Beijing figure in Hong Kong who pointed to the bank's reliance on business in China.

Additional reporting: Reuters.

4 min read
Published 2 July 2020 10:05am
Updated 2 July 2020 10:48am
Source: AFP, SBS

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