Victim-survivors of violence can now access support via text. Here's how it works

The 1800RESPECT helpline will expand its services to text messaging in a bid to ensure victim-survivors are better able to access support and counselling.

A woman's hand using a mobile phone.

The program was soft launched two weeks ago and has already helped multiple victim-survivors. Source: Getty / Karl Tapales

Key Points
  • Domestic and sexual violence victim-survivors can now access support through text message.
  • The text expansion is expected to help people living in rural and remote communities.
  • The service is currently only available in English.
Domestic and sexual violence victim-survivors will be able to access specialist counselling and support by text message under an initiative designed to make seeking help more accessible.

The national 1800RESPECT helpline has expanded its services to texts to allow people in unsafe situations who can't access a telephone or web chat to get help.

The hotline provided more than 268,629 responses in the 2022/23 financial year and the text expansion is expected to particularly help people living in rural and remote communities and those who may have limited access to technology or the internet.

Like the phone and online service, text support will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The number victims can text to seek help is 0458 737 732.
The program was soft-launched two weeks ago and has already helped multiple victim-survivors.

In one case, a user had lost her voice due to strangulation the night before and was unable to speak the next day.

She was able to seek and secure emergency accommodation through the SMS service.

Another user was able to text the behaviour of their partner to understand if it was coercive control and verbal abuse.

Once their partner was no longer with them, they contacted the service by phone for a safe and in-depth discussion.
Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said it was important for people experiencing or at risk of family, domestic and sexual violence to have easy access to support.

She said if a person doesn't respond to the text message chain within six minutes, then they will stop as a designed safety measure.

"This new SMS service channel will provide greater choice for people to seek support when they need it most, and empower users to reach out via a channel that best suits their circumstances," she said.

It is only currently available in English.
Asked if she supported a royal commission after a number of women were killed in South Australia, Rishworth said it was a matter for the state to decide.

"We have a national plan in place ... we need to get on with the job of delivering those programs and support," she told the ABC.

"Unfortunately, disrespect to women and the attitudes towards violence against women take time to change but we are determined to change them."

Women's Minister Katy Gallagher said the expansion aimed to make it quicker and easier for victim-survivors to seek help.

"It's important that support services keep pace with technology," she said.

"The expansion of 1800RESPECT to include a text service will make a difference to the lives of women seeking help."

If you or someone you know is impacted by domestic or sexual violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732, or visit . In an emergency, call 000.

3 min read
Published 8 December 2023 8:23am
Updated 8 December 2023 8:56pm
Source: AAP

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