Celebrity chef says his aid organisation was "systematically" targeted by Israeli military


A World Central Kitchen worker holds the passport of deceased colleagues as their bodies are moved from Al-Najjar Hospital to the Rafah crossing with neighboring Egypt to be later repatriated, Gaza Strip, 03 April 2024. Source: EPA / HAITHAM IMAD/EPA

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The founder of the World Central Kitchen, José Andrés, has accused the Israeli military of systematically targeting his aid workers in Gaza. He says the strike which killed seven members of his staff was not a mistake because the Israeli forces had been told of the aid convoy's movements. The strike killed Australian Zomi Frankcom and staff from Canada, Poland, the UK and the US as well as their Palestinian colleague.

Israel's explanation for how its forces came to kill seven members of the World Central Kitchen is under question from the founder of the charity José Andrés.

Israel says its forces made a grave mistake after misidentifying the convoy during the night and that it shouldn't have happened.

But José Andrés has told the Reuters news agency the charity's three vehicles, including two that were armoured, were all hit by Israeli forces in what he called a continuous, targeted attack.

"They were targeting us in an area controlled by the Israeli Defense Forces and them knowing that it was our teams were moving on that road with three cars and then they hit the third one and then we saw the consequences of that, continuous targeting attack, seven people dead but they are seven on top of at least more than 190 humanitarian workers that have been killed over the last 6 months."

He says the vehicles were attacked over a distance of between 1.5 and 1.8 kilometres which makes it hard to reconcile Israel's explanation that it had misidentified the convoy.

"This happened over more than 1.5 to 1.8 kilometres. So, this was not, you know, a bad luck situation where 'whoops' we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or not. This was over 1.5 to 1.8 kilometres with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs on the top of the vehicles, in the roof, a very colourful logo that we are obviously very proud of. That's very clear who we are and what we do."

Interviewer: "Israel and the United States have said that the attacks were not deliberate. Do you accept that?

Jose' Andres: "Well, totally, initially, I would say categorically no. Obviously, IDF and the Israeli government are doing their own investigation but I do believe everybody, every country, obviously the nationals of every country, including the United States, that had nationals that died on this attack, we need to have an investigation that is neutral from retired military, from retired judges, where the true nature of the events must be known by all parties, especially for the families, the grieving families of the people that died."

In a separate interview with Israel's Channel 12 news, Mr Andrés had this assessment.

"It was really a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by everybody at the IDF."

Israel's President Isaac Herzog offered his "deep sorrow and sincere apologies over the tragic loss of life".

Benjamin Netanyahu called it "unintentional" and the Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, Herzi Halevi, called it a "grave mistake" that "shouldn't have happened".

There have also been expressions of grief from Israeli officials.

But will Israel make a direct apology for killing the seven aid workers?

That's a question Channel 4 journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy put repeatedly to Israeli government spokesman David Mencer.

"Indeed, there is a sense of grief across the whole country because World Central Kitchen are one of the good guys."

Interviewer Krishnan Guru-Murthy: "But you have said this is unintentional. So this was a mistake. So you can apologise already, you don't need to know the precise details to issue an apology. There are grieving families tonight."

David Mencer: "There are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly...

Krishnan Guru-Murthy: "Well you killed them."

David Mencer: "...catastrophic has happened. Clearly something catastrophic has happened, it's not something that we wanted and we're going to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what happened because the role of bringing aid to innocent Gazans, to ordinary Gazans, not to Hamas, to the genocidal terror organisation Hamas. That role is sacrosanct to us."

Speaking in Doha, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez described Israel's explanation to date as insufficient.

"Therefore, I think it is absolutely unacceptable and insufficient and what we expect is a much more determined and much more detailed clarification of what happened. And from there, we will obviously see what actions we take with respect to the Government of Prime Minister Netanyahu."

The United Nations says the World Food Program has suspended nighttime movements within the Gaza Strip for at least 48 hours to allow for further evaluation of the security issues on the ground.

Stephane Dujarric from the office of the United Nations Secretary-General says daytime aid deliveries are still taking place.

"During the day, our colleagues of the World Food Program tell us that operations are continuing, including daily efforts to send convoys to the North. People are dying, and it is essential that we provide assistance to them, they tell us, and as famine closes in we need humanitarian staff and supplies to be able to move freely and safely across the Gaza Strip."

The opinion polls in Israel show most Israelis want Prime Minister Netanyahu to resign and now a member of his three person war cabinet, Benny Gantz is calling for the prime minister to agree to fresh elections this September.

He says elections were needed to renew the public's faith in the government.

Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected calls to step down or hold new elections in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack.

He says the government must focus on the war.

Since October 7, his popularity has plummeted in the polls, trailing far behind Benny Gantz.

But Benny Gantz’s call does not pose an immediate threat because Mr Netanyahu’s governing coalition maintains a parliamentary majority even without support from Benny Gantz.
