Military strikes continue in Gaza - and Benjamin Netanyahu faces more protests at home


Palestinians inspect destroyed shelter tents following an Israeli air strike near Al Aqsa hospital, in Deir Al Balah town in southern Gaza Strip, 31 March 2024. Source: EPA / MOHAMMED SABER/EPA

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Tens of thousands of people have gathered outside the parliament building in Jerusalem in the largest anti-government demonstration since the country went to war in October. It comes as health officials say an Israeli strike hit several tents inside Shuhada Al Aqsa Hospital, killing at least four people.

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Health officials say an Israeli airstrike hit several tents inside the Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah, killing at least four people and wounding 17.

Israel's military said it carried out an airstrike against a command centre operated by militant group known as the Islamic Jihad in the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa hospital.

The BBC is reporting four members of the I-J were killed in the attack, while the Israeli military said it killed an I-J leader.

There was no immediate comment from I-J, which is an ally of Hamas.

Several journalists have also been injured.

A-P-A photographer Ali Hamad says the event was a shock.

“They hit the tent without any warning, we were staying in the tent as a group of journalists peacefully with no terrorists among us, we were preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit, everything went dark with debris and rocks flying above our heads and there were flames.”

Israel says hospitals in Gaza are used by Hamas and other militant groups as bases, a claim Hamas and medical staff deny.

Meanwhile in an Easter Sunday address, Pope Francis has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and the release of all Israeli hostages.

''I appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be ensured to Gaza, and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on last October 7 and for an immediate cease-fire in the Strip. Let us not allow the current hostilities to continue to have grave repercussions on the civil population, by now at the limit of its endurance, and above all on the children. How much suffering we see in children's eyes! Those children in that land of war have forgotten how to smile.''

It comes as Christian Palestinians mark a sombre Easter in Bethlehem on the occupied West Bank.

Dozens gathered for the Easter Mass at the church of nativity, a place where Christians believe Jesus Christ was born.

Priest of the Latin Parish, Rami Asakrieh says he's praying for an end to the war.

“Today, we celebrate Easter amidst the atmosphere of war and the sad realities we see: the killings, destruction and so on. We are in great need of prayer, which consoles and strengthens the person. That's why we had a week we call 'the days of pain' to commemorate the pains of Christ, to place in the hands of our Lord the pain of the world, and hope He would console them. We pray for an end to the war and for peace to prevail.”

Local resident, George Kanawati says the services are not the same as they used to be.

“The atmosphere is sad, as it is across the Gaza Strip. There's no holiday spirit, no joy this year. The holidays are devoid of the joy and smiles, especially the smiles of children, which the occupation always tries to erase and extinguish.”

Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, Israelis are calling on more action from their leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Tens of thousands gathered outside the Knesset, Israel's parliament building.

It’s been described as the largest anti-government demonstration in the country went to war since the October 7 attack by the Hamas militant group.

They have urged the government to reach a cease-fire deal to free dozens of hostages held by Hamas, and to hold early elections.

Keren Saar is one of the protesters.

“We came for a sit down that will last from today until end of day Wednesday, three days to block the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. This is the last week of the parliament session because before they go on a hiatus or vacation. Yes, during time of war, and when we still have hostages still in Gaza. We came to call on them, on this government to resign. This is a government that has failed us repeatedly.”

Ayala Metzger is also part of the demonstrations and says her father in law is currently being held hostage.

“I want my father in law home now, so which way, it doesn't matter, just bring them back.”

In a nationally televised speech before undergoing a hernia surgery Mr Netanyahu says he will return to work very soon.

“I underwent an examination. I thank the people who have already called to show concern for my health, including reporters and I assure you that I will get through this treatment successfully and return to action very quickly, very quickly.”

Mr Netanyahu has also reiterated that he's doing everything he can to bring hostages back, and understands the pain of hostages families.

According to health authorities, more than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's military offensive in Gaza since October 7.

Health officials say most of the fatalities are civilians, while Israel says at least a third are fighters.
