SBS News in Easy English 28 September 2023

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Victoria's new premier Jacinta Allan is on her first day in office, saying women politicians are held to different standards because there's been only a few in leadership positions.

Jacinta Allan was sworn in as the state's 49th premier on Wednesday after Daniel Andrews announced his resignation on Tuesday.

Ms Allan is only the second female Premier in Victoria after Joan Kirner who served from 1990 –1992.

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has urged Australians living in the UK to come out to vote YES to the Indigenous Voice referendum.

With the Voice to Parliament referendum about a fortnight away, supporters of the referendum have gathered at a Yes campaign launch event in London.

Ms Gillard told the Yes campaigners the progress towards Closing the Gap has been too slow.

"Together we can set off on a journey that leads to a far more inclusive and reconciled future and we have to accept this invitation. We have to ensure that the yes vote is carried and on the day after, what that means to me is we're still talking and the dialogue is deeper and richer and powerful for change. "

Australia's top universities have dropped positions in the latest world rankings.

The Times Higher Education's global rankings reveal most of Australia’s top 10 universities dropped places in this year’s ranking, with only one surviving in the top 50 and six in the top 100.

The University of Melbourne was the highest-ranked Australian university at 37, down three places from 2023; Monash was second, sliding 10 to 54; and the University of Sydney was third, falling six to 60.

Hundreds of people gathered at a Christian cemetery in northern Iraq to attend the funerals of some of those who lost their lives in a fire at a wedding hall.

Coffins draped in white cloth, some decorated with flowers on top of them, were carried one after another into the cemetery.

As coffins were being put inside graves, some of the mourners waved portraits of the victims while others wept.

Khalil Shito, a man who lost his grandson in the bombings, says his family was more fortunate in the blast compared to others.

“There are families who lost four, others lost five, but thanks to God and we are blessed because my son has three sons, he lost one and still has two, may God keep them and give them a long life."

And inflation has risen slightly this month, with costs increasing 5.2 per cent in the 12 months to August.

That's up from 4.9 per cent in July.

The figures are likely to influence the Reserve Bank Board when it meets to consider the cash rate on Tuesday.

I'm Greg Dyett and that's SBS News in Easy English.
