
'We don't have time': all-white Voice panel denies Indigenous man chance to speak

The Gumbaynggirr and Dunghutti man chastised Tony Abbott for his involvement in abolishing ATSIC before being removed from the event by the AFP.

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Phill Dotti's mother taught him to stand up for his people. On Wednesday, he took to the stage at an event about the Voice to Parliament and was the only Aboriginal voice heard. Credit: NITV/Jenny Ware Facebook Live

An Aboriginal man was removed from the stage at a Voice forum involving former Prime Minister Tony Abbott and columnist Joe Hildebrand in Sydney's west after speaking up for his people.

Federal Liberal member for Hughes Jenny Ware hosted the community forum which was live-streamed to her Facebook page.

As Ms Ware was making her final statements, an audience member wearing an Uluru Statement from the Heart t-shirt, jumped in to ask if the crowd could hear from a First Nations person.
The audience member who asked Ms Ware if a First Nations person was going to speak. Uncle Phill Dotti can be seen walking towards the stage in the background. Credit: Jenny Ware MP Facebook Live
"We don't have the time. We simply do not have the time," Ms Ware responded.

As this was happening, Gumbaynggirr and Dunghutti man Phill Dotti was walking down the aisle towards the stage.

Mr Dotti stepped up and introduced himself, despite the rejections from Ms Ware. The Liberal MP was then escorted away by an AFP officer.

"I come from an era where there was discrimination. I come from an era where I was told I was too dark," said Mr Dotti.

"These are the words you all wanna pick: colonisation, constitution, law, policies, Stolen Generation. They are system words. Those words will be detrimental to Indigenous people from day one.

"You’re up here Tony, Joe, talking about the constitution. That is a system word."
Mr Dotti acknowledged Mr Abbott, paying him respect before speaking about his role in the Howard Government.

"Tony you were a minister in the Howard government, the Howard government abolished ATSIC," he said.

"That was our voice."

Mr Dotti was then removed from the stage by AFP.

“The truth hurts people," he said upon exit.

Speaking to NITV, Mr Dotti said he felt the need to stand up for his people.

"I did it for my mother. She was a community person before we called them community people," he said.

"Sometimes people have got to stand up. I don't mind standing up for my beliefs, my family, my community and the Aboriginal people."
Uncle Phill Dotti took to the stage uninvited, he was the only Aboriginal person to speak about the Voice on stage. Credit: Jenny Ware MP Facebook Live
Mr Dotti said the event was a perfect example of why the nation needs a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

"During the night I heard Tony Abbott continuing to talk and he was making some statements that... I believe, weren't correct," he said.

"Some people got up and spoke from the audience but I mean there were no Aboriginal voices being heard.

"I decided 'this is wrong' and that they needed an Aboriginal person to speak to ensure our voice was heard."

While the Facebook Live cut out just prior to Mr Ditto being removed, he told NITV that he was pushed off stage to the approval of the crowd.

"Security came up to me, they were pushing me off stage, I wasn't leaving. People starting clapping and cheering and yahooing," he said.

"End of the day, I don't take easy to people who want to manhandle me, but I was being diplomatic and civilised and being respectful."

As for Ms Ware's response, Mr Dotti said he felt she was "rude" and wasn't allowing him to speak.

Ms Ware has not contacted Mr Dotti since the event. Mr Dotti doesn't believe he will hear anything further from the MP regarding the matter.

NITV has reached out to Ms Ware for comment.

3 min read
Published 4 May 2023 3:17pm
By Rachael Knowles
Source: NITV

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