
Meet Hunter and Zac aka: the 'Shadow Trackers'

Young, curious and hilarious, these two actors are confronted with the likes of eerie Aboriginal spirits and chilling urban legends as they journeying across Australia in a unique documentary.

Shadow Trackers

Still from NITV's Shadow Trackers Source: NITV

Hunter Page-Lochard and Zac James are best known for their work on ABC's Cleverman and 8MMM. In 2016, they took on a different role, encountering local storytellers and elders as they attempt to discover the truth behind the scary stories from Indigenous Australia that petrify us, guide us and teach us life’s lessons.

But who really are the two young men behind the go-pros in NITV's thrilling program, ?

Meet Zac ...

Zac James
Source: NITV
Name: Zac James
Age: 25
Lives in: Perth, WA
Aboriginal Nation: Wongi, Yamatji

Favourite Food: Pork Ramen
With a weakness for ... People in need
Whose pet hate is ... People who lack sympathy and empathy for others
And is scared of ... Ouija Boards

The creepiest thing I've ever experienced ... Possibly the worst was when I was at one of my brother boys' house when I was 15. We'd used a ouija board earlier that night and it said some things I won't repeat here, and we went to bed. I was crashing on the ground and my mate woke me up in the middle of the night hitting me and pointing at the corner of the room. There was a dark cloud that was spreading through the room and it felt like it tried to consume me, luckily I focused on my spirit and it left. There have been many other things, but I've never experienced that kind of pure darkness before or ever since. 

The scariest story I've been told is ... My dad uses to tell me a story about his childhood, living in a house just outside of Kalgoorlie. The story went that the house they rented had previously been burnt down. In the early hours of the morning they would hear footsteps running up and down the hallway and frantic scratching on the walls. It turned out that a little girl had passed away in the fire and had been desperately trying to get out. Sad but terrifying.

The most significant 'Shadow' event during the series was ... If had to say one, the Muldjewank. I wish I could expand on what happened but I don't want to bring her up again...

Something I learned about my co-host Hunter while filming is ... Some people may know this already, but Hunter is a dope rapper. He showed me quite a lot of his mixes and they're tight. I also feel like Hunter learnt a lot about his spirit during our filming, there were some dark things that happened during the series that didn't make the show and it forced us to grow spiritually exceptionally fast.

Meet Hunter ...

Hunter Page-Lochard
Source: NITV
Name: Hunter Page-Lochard
Age: 23
Lives in: Sydney
Aboriginal Nation: Mununjali and Nunukal

Favourite Food: Chicken Schnitty with mashed potatoes
With a weakness for ... Chocolate. I’m a big KitKat man. If you wave a KitKat near me, I’ll definately 'take a break'!
Whose pet hate is ... It takes a lot for me to 'hate' something, I think I try to see the good in everything.
And is scared of ... Spiders and wind. If you asked me to hold an umbrella or balloon in a storm, that would be my worst nightmare. When I see a flag flapping rapidly, I get anxiety times ten. 

The creepiest thing I've ever experienced ... When I was shooting Bran Nue Dae, I saw my first spirit. We were shooting in an old boarding school - a big historical building in WA - and while we were waiting for the scene, six of us boys were talking to the security guards who were telling us this story of this woman who wanders around this building. Years ago she threw herself off these stairs, because she was a servant and fell pregnant to one of the 'big men' of the house. 

I looked up at the window and there was a big flood light from the production team and I put my hand up to shade my face. And I just saw this woman looking down on me. She was in this 1800s clothes, white dress, hair pulled back and I knew it was this woman. And it wasn't just that I had seen her, I felt like she had seen me see her.

The scariest story I've been told is ... My grandparents would tell me loads of traditional stories about traditional spirits, some who had used their spirits to be abusively spiritual.  There's many that I wouldn't want to talk about because I wouldn't want them to reappear. 

One I remember is my grandfather was once chopping wood outside and my grandmother was washing dishes in the kitchen - just at one of those sinks below the window. She looked up and was looking at my grandfather and quickly yelled, "Roy! Get in the house now!". And he ran inside and shut the door, then they heard a big 'Thump!' and when they'd opened the door, there was his axe sticking out of it.  

My grandmother said that when she looked up she saw red eyes coming out of the tree and she instantly knew who that spirit it was. 

Something I learned about my co-host Zac while filming is ... Zac is really genuine and gentle when it comes to his own ignorance - that's not to say he is ignorant - but more he's eager to learn and eager to extend his knowledge. On the show for example, you just think that he's doing his job presenting and asking questions, but he was actually so intrigued and on board with what was being told to us.

The most significant 'Shadow' event during the series was ... Probably at Fitzroy Crossing. I don't want to spoil the episode for people, but there was a moment where I had shamefully, disrespected my culture because I was trying to impress the audience. I treated my culture like it was a novelty, but by doing that, I learned - for the first time - that I'm intuitive about certain things, because I knew that what had happened was not okay. 


Watch the entire Shadow Trackers Season One on NITV's Friday night marathon. Kicks off Tonight, 8.45pm on NITV (Ch. 34). Catch up is available on







6 min read
Published 21 October 2016 9:43am
Updated 15 May 2019 3:37pm
By Sophie Verass

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