Wulgurukaba Traditional Owners welcome proposal to return national parkland to original name

Local mob say it's been a long time coming, but some non-Indigenous residents are opposing the move.

Magnetic Island

The popular tourist destination, Magnetic Island's national park is being proposed its name should return to its traditional Wulgurukaba name, Yunbenun. Source: AFP / PATRICK HAMILTON/AFP /AFP via Getty Images

A proposal by the Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) to restore the traditional name of 'Yunbenun' (Yuhn-beh-nin) to Magnetic Island’s National Park area has been welcomed by Traditional Owners.

Wulgurukaba representative Brenton Creed says the island has always been referred to as Yunbenun by his people, and across the island itself are significant sites for women’s business.

"It has meaning to our Traditional Owners, my Elders," he told NITV.
"It will have repercussions throughout history in our country to make sure these traditional names are respected.
They are the names of the Country.
Wulgurukaba Traditional Owner Brenton Creed
Wulgurukaba Traditional Owner Brenton Creed Credit: NITV: Jonah Johnson
Mr Creed said that the name comes from Wulgurukaba Dreaming, and called for the broader community to understand and respect the island's history as Wulgurukaba Country.

‘Just because the colonisers came and said 'This is now and forever going to be called Magnetic Island', doesn’t mean it can’t be changed back to its traditional name.”

In a media release, DESI said the proposal recognises the rich cultural history of the area and the ongoing, deep connection to the island for the Wulgurukaba people.
It also highlighted the partnership the department has with the Traditional Owners in the ongoing care of the island's national park.

“DESI has recently unveiled an updated management statement for the national park, which outlines strategic directions for conserving key natural social and cultural values of the World Heritage Area.”

They also made it clear that the proposal relates only to national parkland, and not the island itself, which falls outside of their jurisdiction.

The Wulgurukaba have developed the Yunbenun Rangers program with DESI to caretake the national parkland area and preserve the cultural sites scattered all throughout the island.

Name change will instil a sense of pride'

However, some local residents of the popular tourist destination, located just off the coast of Townsville, say the move will result in the whole island being renamed, similar to K’gari (formerly Fraser Island).

Local media spoke to one resident who said that while some on the island support the name change, a majority of locals would not and warned of a ‘massive local backlash’.

“A lot of people are concerned about it because it’s just a meaningless gesture really,” the local said.

Mr Creed has rejected this, saying that the move is a reclamation of Wulgurukaba history and culture from a colonial history of dispossession and assimilation, and will have a massive impact on his community and surrounding.

"People have their opinions, and you are right to have your opinion, but doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it wrong, it’s just your opinion," he said.

"It will instil a sense of pride ... in our languages, our culture."

Why is it called Magnetic Island?

The island was coined Magnetic Island by Captain James Cook when he believed the magnetic compass on his ship the Endeavour was affected by the island.

According to his journal, Captain Cook named it ‘Magnetical Island or Headland’ on June 7, 1770, as he travelled up Australia’s east coast.

He wrote that the compass: ‘would not [work] well when near it’.

He also didn’t know whether it was an island or a peninsula, hence the two names.

Members of the public are invited to have their say on the proposed renaming of the national park between now and 5pm, 19 April 2024.

Comments or questions about the proposal can be addressed to .

4 min read
Published 27 February 2024 10:56am
Updated 27 February 2024 11:50am
By Jonah Johnson
Presented by NITV
Source: NITV

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