The mother who tried to stop her child transitioning has lost her lawsuit

Anmarie Calgaro says her parental rights were violated when her child began transitioning without her permission.

The mother who tried to stop her daughter transitioning has lost her lawsuit

Source: KBJR/Youtube

The Minnesotan woman who attempted to sue her trans daughter after she began transitioning has lost her legal battle, reports. 

Anmarie Calgaro claimed that her parental rights were violated when her 17-year-old daughter—known only as EJK—sought gender transition related care from a local clinic in St Louis.

Calgaro took legal action against every person and organisation who had assisted her daughter—the principal at her school, the St Louis school board, two health care providers and  the director of the county’s Health and Human Services agency.

However, Judge Paul Magnuson has thrown the case out, concluding that none of the defendants were liable and
According to a filed by EJK’s lawyers in November last year, the teenager grew up in a “house where unstable parents struggled with substance abuse”.

From a young age, she took on responsibilities such as preparing herself for school and relied on a "network of other adults who supplied some of the care and nurturing that her biological parents were unable to offer".

EJK says her mother and stepfather became verbally and physically aggressive when she came out as gay aged 13. She moved out at 15, living with her biological father, then her grandmother before finding her own apartment. EJK has attends school, works a full-time job and has received two college acceptance letters.
However, when Calgaro found out that her daughter had sought medical care to begin transitioning, she was outraged that no-one had notified her and that her daughter was not legally emancipated. 

In November 2016, EJK wrote in a statement that: “My providers had no involvement in my decision not to involve my mother in my health care decisions". 

“I was not pressured in any way by my providers to consent to this treatment.”

Calgaro—who repeatedly misgendered her child throughout the case—will now take the case to the US Court of Appeals in a last ditch attempt to prevent EJK’s transition. 

2 min read
Published 26 May 2017 2:36pm
By Michaela Morgan

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