【澳洲日】潛水摯友救泰青 喜獲年度澳洲人獎

以下為 2019 年度傑出澳洲人獎得主。

Long-time friends Richard Harris and Craig Challen have been awarded the first ever joint Australian of the Year award.

Long-time friends Richard Harris and Craig Challen have been awarded the first ever joint Australian of the Year award. Source: AAP

兩名於去年協助救出被困在泰國清萊溶洞內 12 名青少年及其足球教練的澳洲潛水員,獲頒本年度傑出澳洲人獎。

總理莫理遜昨晚於坎培拉向哈里斯(Craig Challen)醫生以及查倫醫生(Richard Harris)頒發獎座。

這對老朋友亦曾經獲頒澳洲第二高英勇榮譽 - 「英勇之星」(Star of Courage)。
Australia's Thai cave heroes have been named 2019 Australians of the Year.
Australia's Thai cave heroes have been named 2019 Australians of the Year. Source: AAP
查倫醫生表示,他對自己在過去 22 年參與的業餘愛好,竟然能令他獲得如此成就及認同,感到受寵若驚。

查倫醫生說:「對於該次的冒險經歷,經已說過很多次。但對於我個人而言,最重要的是該 13 個家庭的孩子當時得以順利回家,而這正是有賴包括我們在內的搜救團隊的努力。」


哈里斯醫生說:「參加探索活動為我及 Craig(查倫醫生),開闢了一個充滿冒險的世界。我們沒有什麼秘密才能,但決定挑戰自己,看看我們在地球生活的短時間内,可以得到什麼經歷。」


至於本年度傑出澳洲長者則由柏加(Suzanne Packer)醫生獲得,以表揚她多年來倡導兒童及更廣泛社區的醫療保健權利。
The 2019 Senior Australian of the Year has been announced as Dr Sue Packer.
The 2019 Senior Australian of the Year has been announced as Dr Sue Packer. Source: AAP
另外,22 歲原住民說唱歌手「Baker Boy」(原名:Danzal Baker),則因其以原住民語言作說唱表演的成就,被選為年度傑出澳洲年輕人。
同時,去年初的 14 女童 Dolly 的父母 Kate 及 Tick Everett,則被選為本年度澳洲地區英雄。兩人創立的 Dolly 基金,旨在防止欺凌及網上欺凌,並致力提高大眾對這個議題的認識。
Kate and Tick Everett are working to educate their community about the effects of bullying.
Kate and Tick Everett are working to educate their community about the effects of bullying. Source: AAP


Published 26 January 2019 10:53am
Updated 12 August 2022 3:32pm
By Winmas Yu, Ivan Leung

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