

Pro democracy supporters are seen during a Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstration in Sydney, Sunday, September 29, 2019. (AAP Image/Steven Saphore) NO ARCHIVING

Pro democracy supporters are seen during a Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstration in Sydney. Source: AAP

多個城市於星期日(9 月 29 日)舉行遊行集會,聲援港人爭取民主。


示威者身穿黑色衣服,高呼「香港人加油」等口號,並高舉「Save Hong Kong」及「Stop tyranny」等標語,同時又舉起黃傘並向民眾派發紙鶴。
Sydney and Taiwan kick off global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied


Sydney and Taiwan kick off global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied

除澳洲以外,全球另外 23 個國家亦有多地舉行類似活動聲援香港,當中包括日本、馬來西亞、台灣、新西蘭、比利時、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、法國、德國、愛爾蘭、意大利、哈薩克、荷蘭、挪威、波蘭、俄羅斯、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、烏克蘭、英國、加拿大及美國。

在台北,多個團體發起「929 台港大遊行」,主辦單位指有超過十萬人參加。



Pro-Hong Kong protesters turned out in thousands in Sydney at the weekend.
Pro-Hong Kong protesters turned out in thousands in Sydney at the weekend. Source: Supplied
Sydney and Taiwan kick off global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied
Pro democracy supporters are seen during a Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstration in Sydney, Sunday, September 29, 2019. (AAP Image/Steven Saphore) NO ARCHIVING
Source: AAP
Melbourne joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Adrian Bin
Melbourne joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Adrian Bin
Melbourne joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Adrian Bin
Melbourne joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Adrian Bin
Brisbane joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Adelaide joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Adelaide joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Austalia Hong Kong Link
Adelaide joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Canberra joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Canberra joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Perth joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link
Perth joins global protests for Hong Kong
Source: Supplied/ Australia Hong Kong Link


Published 30 September 2019 9:42am
Updated 30 September 2019 9:57am
By Winmas Yu
Source: AFP, SBS

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