Thov ib tug zauv them se rau koj siv (Apply for a tax file number)


Australian Taxation Office-April Fonti Source: AAP image

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Ua ntej koj yuav pib ua hauj lwm hauv teb chaws Australia koj yuav tsum thov kom tau ib tug zauv them se (Tax File Number-TFN) los siv tso.

Yog vim li cas txhua tus neeg ua hauj lwm hauv tebchaws Australia thiaj yuav tsum thov kom tau tus zauv them se (Tax File Number-TFN)? Thiab yog tias koj tsis muaj tus zauv TFN no siv thiab tsis qhia rau tej tswv lagluam koj ua hauj lwm rau ne, ho yuav muaj teeb meem dab tsi rau koj?

Nyob teb chaws Australia no, ces txhua leej txhua tus yuav tsum tau thov kom tau ib tug zauv coj los siv them se (TFN), vim txhua tus neeg ua hauj lwm yuav tsum tau them se rau nom tswv thaum lawv ua hauj lwm, yuav tau cov nyiaj superannuation los yog cov nyiaj tej tswv ua hauj lwm them rau yus coj mus khaws cia rau yus tau siv rau lub caij yus so noj nyiaj laus  thiab kom sawv daws muaj peev xwm xa se rau los yog thov se rov qab los ntawm lub tuam chav Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau ntau yam xov xwm ntawm lub vasab applykom thom tau tax file number rau koj siv yog tias koj yog cov neeg txawv teb chaws tuaj ua hauj lwm hauv tebchaws Australia, yog pej xeem Australia hauv teb chaws no los yog pej xeem Australia uas mua ua hauj lwm txawv teb chaws.

Tax File Number (TFN) yog ib tug zauv tseem ceeb tib yam li ib tug neeg lub hnub yug thiab, vim tus coj ntawm lub tuam chav Australian Taxation Office (ATO) yeej tsim los rau tus neeg ua hauj lwm twg siv xwb. Yog lis thiaj yuav tsum kub siab pov puag kom zoo txhob qhia rau leej twg, tsuas qhia rau nom tswv xwb yog thaum lawv nug thiab xav tau ntawm yus.

Lub koom haum Tax Institute tau hais tias cov neeg ua hauj lwm uas tsis muaj tus tax file number siv los yog tsis qhia rau tus tswv lagluam ntawm lub tuam txhab lawv ua hauj lwm rau paub yuav raug tsub se kim tshaj plaws txog 47% rau cov nyiaj nws khwv tau ib lub xyoos twg. Qhov no txhais tau tias nws yuav khwv tsis tau nyiaj raws li qhov tsim nyog.

Stephanie Ceredes ntawm lub koom haum Tax Institute tseem qhia ntxiv tias yog thaum koj thov tau TFN lawm, ces yeej siv tau kav koj ib sim neej lawm yog tias koj tseem nyob thiab tseem ua hauj lwm hauv teb chaws Australia.

Laurie Nowell ntawm lub koom haum AMES Australia uas yog ib lub koom haum pab tej neeg tuaj ua lub neej tshiab hauv teb chaws Australia tau qhia tias, ATO yeej tsis xav li cas txawm koj yuav siv koj lub npe ua ntej los yog lub xeem ua ntej. Tab sis qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, yog koj xub teev li cas ua ntej lawm ces yuav tsum tau siv li xub xub zwm tseg thiab yuav tsum tau siv tus zauv them se (TFN) raws nraim li nom tswv tau muab rau koj siv xwb, thiaj li tsis muaj teeb meem rau koj thaum cuam tshuam txog tej txhab nyiaj los yog ATO.

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm kom ntxaws ntxiv txog cov kev mus thov kom tau tus zauv them se (Tax File Number) siv, ces koj mus txheeb tau ntxiv rau ntawm lub koom haum the Australian Taxation Office lub vassab tau.#

Mloog tau xov xwm ua lus Hmoob ntxiv tau rau ntawm   ob hnub xws li hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6pm AEDT-Australian Eastern Standard Time thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am AEDT.

Dwnload tau SBS Radio App tau ntawm App Store  thiab ntawm Google Play   nruab rau koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes kom koj mloog tau xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Progran li hais los saum toj no.

Koj tseem muaj peev xwm download tau tej xov xwm kaw ua suab (Podcasts) ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv tau ntawm .

Ntxiv ntawd ho koom ua tub koom siab thiab koom mloog tau tau ntawm #SBSHmong lub Facebook page  tau thiab mloog tau SBS Radio cov xov tooj cua ntawm ntau thaj chaw thoob plaws teb chaws Australia no tau ntawm no .
